Real Property / US Federal Property Registry / Background Data

Background Data

As the Business Process Owner, you can manage your real property assets by entering the 33 data elements for your government properties, and entering updates for this data. Data entries are stored as transactions that you must approve before the data can be posted to the Government Real Property Inventory table. You can also generate reports for all transactions by Real Property Unique Identifier, or by the user requesting that the data be approved. Both the Business Process Owner and Portfolio Manager can perform these tasks. For more information, see Portfolio Manager.

In addition to these tasks, only the Business Process Owner assigned to a role that includes the security group "Government RPLM Inventory Process Owner" can:

See Also

How Transaction Approval Works

How to Approve or Reject Transactions

Adding Property Uses

Adding Agency Bureaus

Portfolio Manager

Manage Real Property Inventory

Transactions by Property Asset Unique Identifier Report 

Transactions by Requestor Report