Real Property / US Federal Property Registry

Adding Property Uses

You can add the property uses needed to maintain data for your real property assets. The property uses you add are available in the Real Property Use selection list when users enter data for properties.

For details about property use categories and codes, see Appendix B: Quick Guide - Predominant Use Categories & Codes found in the GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy's "2011 Guidance for Real Property Inventory Reporting."

To add property uses:

  1. Select Real Property / US Federal Property Registry / Add Property Use task.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Enter the following required fields:
    • Government Real Property Use Code: This is the numeric identifier for the real property use.
    • Government Real Property Type Code: Select or enter the real property type (building, structure, land) that this property use applies to. After you make your selection, the numeric code for the type is shown.
    • Government Real Property Type Description: Enter the text description that identifies the real property use in selection lists.
  4. Click Save.

See Also

Background Data

Portfolio Manager