Real Property / US Federal Property Registry

Transactions by Property Asset Unique Identifier Report

The Transactions by Property Asset Unique Identifier report shows all data transactions, including posted and created (pending approval) data transactions for a single property. You enter the property's Real Property Unique Identifier and click Filter to view the data transactions for the property.

To generate the Transactions by Property Asset Unique Identifier:

  1. Select Real Property / US Federal Property Registry.
  2. Select either Background Data or Portfolio Manager.
  3. Select Transactions by Property Asset Unique Identifier.
  4. Enter or select the property's unique identifier from the Real Property Unique identifier field, and click Search.

    Note: If you enter a partial identifier followed by '%', and then click the select value button for the list, only the values that begin with your entry are shown. See Using Wildcards in Select List Smart Searches.

    A list of all the data transactions for the property appears.

From this report, you can:

See Also 

Viewing Transaction Details

Portfolio Manager