Real Property / US Federal Property Registry

How to Approve or Reject Transactions

To approve or reject data transactions, the Business Process Owner must be assigned to a role that includes the "Government RPLM Inventory Process" security group. When you are assigned to this security group, the Approve and Reject buttons are enabled. 

To approve or reject transactions:

  1. Use the Find and Manage tab of the Manage Real Property Inventory screen to search for the property. See Searching for Properties.

    The Properties Portfolio section shows the property matching the criteria you enter.

  2. Select Manage in the row for the property that has a transaction you want to approve or reject.

    The Property and Transactions tab shows Property Information for the selected real property asset, and any transactions pending approval.

  3. In the Transactions Pending Approval section, select one of the following:

See Also  

How Transaction Approval Works

Background Data 

Portfolio Manager