Overview: Changing the Structure of the Database

This section of Archibus System Management Help contains procedure topics on the key tasks of changing the structure of the database by editing the data dictionary. For information on what changes affect the structure of the database, see What Constitutes a Structural Change to the Database?

General Procedure for Changing the Structure of the Database

When database structure changes are initiated by changing the Archibus data dictionary, the procedure for changing the physical structure of the database is as follows:

  1. Using native database tools, make a backup of your database for safe keeping.
  2. Use the Database Update Wizard to export a copy of the data dictionary tables. Save these files as a backup of the state of the data dictionary before you start making changes. (See How to Transfer Data Out.)
  3. Make your changes to the data dictionary, as described below.
  4. Use the Schema Change Wizard to apply your changes to the physical database. (See Starting the Schema Change Wizard.)
  5. Restart the application server.
  6. Restart the application.
  7. Migrate the schema changes to other databases.

Accessing the Data Dictionary

You can access the Data Dictionary tables in both Smart Client and Web Central.

In Smart Client:


Table and field editing functions are also available in Web Central under System / Add In Manager.


See Also

What Constitutes a Structural Change to the Database?

Understanding the Archibus Database

How to Add a Field to the Data Dictionary

How to Add a Table to the Data Dictionary

How to Delete a Field from the Data Dictionary

How to Delete a Table from the Data Dictionary

How to Add a Document Field to the Data Dictionary

How to Add a Validated Field to the Data Dictionary

Archibus Tables table

Archibus Fields table