Starting the Schema Change Wizard

The Schema Change Wizard is a tool that is used to translate the Archibus Data Dictionary tables and columns into physical representations of those tables and fields that are accessed by Archibus modules and your extensions. If you are unfamiliar with the Archibus data dictionary or the customization process, refer to these help topics for more information:

It is assumed that you have made changes to the Archibus schema that require a change to the physical database. The help topic What Constitutes a Structure Change delineates the types of changes for which this is true and provides an overview of the schema update process.

The Schema Change Wizard is accessed from Web Central via the System application: System / Add-In Manager / Run Schema Change Wizard

To run the Schema Change Wizard, you work through these steps:

  1. Specify How the Schema Change Wizard Works
  2. Update the SQL Tables with Database Dictionary Changes
  3. Re-Create Structures

Note: When updating the database to a new version, you must use the Archibus Web Central version that matches the database to which you are upgrading. For example, if you are upgrading to the Archibus V.21.2 database, you should use run the Schema Update Wizard using Archibus V.21.2. If you try to use a previous version of Web Central, the wizard will run scripts from this version that may conflict with the newer database and generate errors.