Archibus Tables Table

The Archibus Tables table (afm_tables) describes all the available data tables in the schema. You can edit the fields defining your tables, or define a new table. The Archibus Tables table, along with the Archibus Fields table, forms the data dictionary and defines conceptual representation of the tables and fields in a project.

Note that deleting and adding records to this table changes the structure of the database and requires that you run the Schema Change Wizard to update the SQL tables with the new definition. For more information, see What Constitutes a Structural Change to the Database?

You can access the Archibus Tables table from:

Task Program Description
Edit Archibus Tables Dictionary Web Central Presents the Archibus Tables table for viewing and the ability to edit a few selected fields.
Edit Archibus Data Dictionary

Web Central

Smart Client

Presents the Archibus Tables table, from which you can select a record in the Archibus Fields table.

You can delete records from this view and you have access to editing all fields.

The Archibus Tables table has the following fields:



Table Name 

Stores the names of the available tables. This is how a table is identified.


Stores the name of a table as it appears to the user.

Domain Name

Associates a domain with the table. If more than one domain uses the table, complete with "All." Restrict on this field if you need to locate all the tables used by a particular domain.


Provides additional comments on the usage of the table.

Is SQL View? Defines if the table in the record is a SQL view. TRUE = SQL view. FALSE = physical table.
Table Type

Specifies the type of data that this table holds. For example, does the table hold per-site project data developed by users when they use an application, or does the table holds application-extension data, developed by the administrator extending the applications? The Database Update Wizard uses this classification so that you are can choose to update tables according to type.

If you are creating a new table, you will typically assign it a table type of Project Data. All other types are used for the tables whose names begin with "afm_" , and which control the behavior of the program.

The types of tables are:

Default View Default view is the axvw that will be used by the Database Update Wizard to display the contents of a table wen the user drills down into the data.

Note: Tables beginning with "afm_" control the behavior of the program. You can edit these tables but you cannot change their structure.

See also