How to Migrate Data Dictionary Changes from one Project to Another

Typically, schema is first modified in a development environment. When the initial development and testing is completed, you will likely migrate those changes either to a test environment or to the production environment.

The below procedure provides instructions on how to migrate the schema changes from one project (development, for example) to another (testing environment, for example). This process uses both the Database Update Wizard and the Schema Change Wizard.

Step 1. Migrate the Data Dictionary

The first step is to get the table and field definitions copied from the source project to the destination project. The Database Update Wizard is used for this step.

  1. Sign into the source project and edit the data dictionary.
  2. Use the Database Update Wizard to export the data dictionary using the Transfer Out option and selecting Data Dictionary for the files to transfer.
  3. Sign out of the source project.
  4. Back up the destination project database using a native database tool to make a complete backup of the destination project's database so that you can restore to this point if something goes wrong.
  5. Sign into the destination project.
  6. Import the data dictionary into the destination project using the Transfer In option of the Database Update Wizard and selecting Data Dictionary for the files to transfer.
  7. Since Data Dictionary was selected, the next step is to compare the data dictionaries.
  8. Review the proposed changes and select the appropriate actions for each change.
  9. Accept the changes.

Step 2. Update the Schema

Now that the data dictionary contains the changes you want to implement, the next step is to update the physical database using the Schema Update Wizard.

  1. Sign into the destination project.
  2. Run the Schema Update Wizard. See:

At this point, the data dictionary and the physical table definitions of the source and destination projects should be identical.

Step 3: Transfer Other Project Data

You may also need to transfer project data and or additional application extension data. The Database Update Wizard will accomplish those transfers. See How to Copy Non-Database Dictionary Data Between Projects.