Sustainability & Risk / Compliance / Compliance Program Manager

Managing Compliance Programs

From the Compliance Program Manager / Manage Compliance Programs task, Compliance Program Managers can select compliance programs to review and edit them, and can optionally assign locations, documents, , and to the program. You can also add new programs as needed.

Because compliance programs organize requirements by regulation and assign responsibility at the program level, they are central to tracking and managing your compliance efforts. You can add documents and communication logs to programs to create an audit trail if needed. You can add locations to track compliance level and responsibility by location, and can add notification templates to ensure that all stakeholders are informed of critical dates when the triggering conditions defined in the notification templates occur.

When you add notifications templates to programs, the program's requirements inherit these items; so making notification assignments at the program level is an efficient way to manage notifications for requirements.

The following table describes the work you can do from each of the tabs of the task:

Tab Task Description How To...
Select Program

Locate and select a program to work with it on the other tabs.

Export the list of programs showing in the view to a MS Word docx file (by clicking DOCX), or to an Excel spreadsheet (by clicking XLS.)

Using the Filter Console for Programs

Selecting Programs


Define Program Edit an existing compliance or add a new one. Compliance programs organize requirements, responsibilities, and so that you can track and manage your compliance efforts. Defining Compliance Programs for Regulations.

After selecting a program, you can add the locations where the program is needed. This enables you to locate and report on programs by their location.

At the program level, you would typically assign the specific counties, cities, or sites that are participating in the compliance program.

Adding and Editing Compliance Locations for Regulations, Programs, and Requirements

Defining and Generating Scheduled Events

Documents Associate documents with this program. For example, add a document that contains the section of the regulation that pertains to this program. Adding Documents for Compliance Records
Notification Templates

Associate a with this program, so that the appropriate users receive notifications of critical dates.

This notification template will be assigned to all the program's requirements, although you can to change this for any of the requirements, if needed. You can also select whether or not to activate the notifications for all the scheduled events that you generate.

Working with Notification Templates
Communication Logs Add for compliance programs. Adding Communication Logs for Compliance Records

Using the Filter Console for Programs

Using the Filter console, you can locate compliance programs using a variety of criteria. For example, you can filter by code, by a date range, compliance program type, , location, or the person responsible for this program.

Note the following when using the Filter console:

Selecting Programs

The Manage Compliance Programs task uses a tabbed interface. When you open this task, you must first select a program to navigate to the other tabs.

To select a program:

  1. Use the Filter console to enter a restriction to facilitate locating the program you want to work with. You can filter by many fields, including regulation, program category and type, location information, code, compliance priority, and location information including equipment or equipment standard. See Using the Filter Console for Programs.
  2. Click Show.

    The Select Compliance Program to Manage pane shows only the programs that match your criteria.

  3. Click Select in the row for the program to see its details. When you click Select, the view switches to the Define Programs tab. From this tab, you can review or edit information for the regulation.

Defining Compliance Programs

To add compliance programs:

  1. Select the Manage Compliance Programs task.
  2. In the Select Compliance Program to Manage pane, click Add New.
  3. In the Define Program pane, add the following required information:
    RegulationFrom the list, select the regulation for this program
    Compliance Program CodeEnter the unique identifier for this program, such as INSTALLATION PERMIT for a program to monitor permits required to operate a facility that has air emissions.
    Program StatusThe description of the program's current state of activity. For example, you can select that the program is Active, On Hold, or Completed. You can change the status as work on this program progresses. If the program has a status of On Hold, you can enter the reason for the suspension in the Reason for Hold field. By default, the Program Status is set to Active, but you can change this as needed. You can generate reports, such as the Compliance Program Count by... reports, for specific Program Statuses
    Compliance Priority Select the this program has for your organization. For example, select '1-Critical/highest' to '9-lowest' to describe the importance of this program. By default, this is set to '1- Critical', but you should change this to reflect your actual assessment. You can generate reports for programs based on priority. For example, you can filter the Compliance Program Count by... and the Compliance Requirement Count by... reports by Compliance Priority to target your most critical programs. When you add requirements for this program, the compliance priority is copied to the new requirement, reducing data entry if the same compliance priority applies.
  4. Note: If you enter the following information for the compliance program, these values will be copied to new requirement records for the program. Entering these values can save data entry.
    -- Responsible Person
    -- Vendor Code
    -- Regulatory Contact (copied to )

  5. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Compliance Level Code: Select the description for the degree of compliance this program has achieved. It is good practice to update the Compliance Level field of program requirements and contract terms after performing inspections or reviewing your work status. You can then generate operational reports filtered by the to target the programs that put you at the greatest risk of noncompliance, or the programs that have achieved the greatest success. You can also generate management reports that group program counts by compliance level and other factors.
    Compliance Category and TypeSelect the category and type that describe this program. These fields provide an additional way of locating and reporting on your compliance programs. For example, select PERMIT/FEDERAL to describe a program for managing federal permits. You can generate management reports by program category and type, such as the Compliance Level and Program report, or you can generate operational reports, such as the Compliance Programs report. Your Business Process Owner defines the categories and types available to you.
    Responsible PersonSelect the employee (such as the Compliance Program Coordinator) responsible for this program. When the Compliance Program Coordinator logs in to their tasks, they see only the programs for which they are entered as the Responsible Person. When managing programs, you can search by the Responsible Person to locate compliance programs assigned to that employee. You can also generate reports to show programs for a selected Responsible Person.

  6. Enter the following additional fields as needed:

    Regulatory ContactYour contact for this program at the regulatory agency.
    Project CodeIf this program is part of a , select the project here. You are able to filter by the Project Code to generate reports and locate compliance programs associated with a specific project.
    Vendor CodeIf applicable, the vendor you use for this program, such as the elevator repair service for a program focused on elevator safety.
    SummaryBrief notes about this program.
    Date Start/Date EndThe date the program is effective and the date that it ends.
    DescriptionInformation that further describes the program. For example, you could enter the purpose of the program and different names used for the program in different states.
    Reason for Hold

    If the program status is On Hold, enter the reason for suspending the program.

    Completion Criteria TypeThe criteria used to assess when compliance has been achieved. For example, select Specified Deadline, Projected Date, Specified Event, Completed Requirements, Performance, or None (if there are no specific completion criteria.)
    Completion CriteriaA further description of the completion criteria, such as the name and date of the event if an event is the completion criterion.

  7. Click Save.

See Also

Copying Regulations and Programs Including Child Records