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Real Property / Costs
Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing

Costs table (Actual Costs)

When a Scheduled Cost record is approved, the system copies all of the field values from the Scheduled Cost record to the Cost record, where it is considered an actual cost.

The only differences between the Scheduled Cost records and the Cost records are these fields:

Field Purpose

Cost Code 

This auto-numbered field uniquely identifies the Cost record. This field is not found in the Scheduled Costs table.

Cost Status 

Stores the disposition of the charge, which is used to report on costs. The field can be edited and can have the following values:

  • Payable: An expense is due and has not yet been paid. When you approve costs that are expenses using the Approve tab of the Cost wizard, the system sets this status for new Cost records it creates. Once you pay the expense, you can change this value to Paid.

  • Receivable: An income item is due but has not been paid. When you approve costs that are income using the Approve tab of the Cost wizard, the system sets this status, similar to setting the Payable status above. Invoices can be generated for costs with this status.

  • Paid: An expense has been paid. Set this status once you pay a bill.

  • Received: An income item (a cost with a Receivable cost status) has been paid. The Apply Payment to Invoices actions set this status.

  • Requested: An item is due, and has been sent to management for approval. Use this status to group costs on an approval form. Invoices can be generated for costs with this status.

Note: The Scheduled Costs table contains a Cost Status field, but it offers different values than the Costs table in its drop-down list. See Adding New Scheduled Costs for a description of the Cost Status fields for scheduled costs.

Invoice Number 

When you assign costs to new invoices using the Assign Costs tab of the Invoices Wizard (Chargeback & Invoicing application), the system automatically completes this field. The Scheduled Costs table does not include this field as only Actual Costs can be invoiced.

Date Paid 

If you apply payments to invoices from the Manage Payments tab of the Invoices Wizard, the system (which records payments for Cost records that have an Amount - Income) completes this field with the date on which you applied the payment. For costs that are expenses, manually complete this field with the date on which you paid the cost.

Chargeback Status 

This field is always updated by the system. It can contain the following values:

  • Not Charged Back: After you approve a non-charged back Scheduled Cost, the system creates a Cost record and sets this as the new record's status.

  • Charged Back - Scheduled: When you generate chargeback costs from Actual Cost records, the system creates new Scheduled Cost records for the chargeback, and sets this status in the source Cost record.

  • Charged Back - Approved: When you approve scheduled chargeback costs, the system sets this value for the source Cost record from which chargeback Scheduled Cost records were generated.

  • Rolled Up/Prorated: When you approve a chargeback cost, the system creates a new Cost record for an approved Actual Cost. This new Cost record will have one of these values for its Chargeback Status field, depending on how the cost was charged back.

  • Bad Owner: The system sets this value when there was not enough information to charge back the cost. Costs with this value appear on the View Exceptions tab of the Chargeback Cost Wizard.

  • Departments Not in Method: The cost was to be charged back to departments from leases, but the specified lease area method is Suites rather than Groups or Rooms. Since suites have no relationship to departments, the system cannot charge back this cost, and so assigns it this status and shows it on the View Exceptions tab of the Chargeback Cost Wizard.

See Also

Approve Chargeback Costs

Example of Charging Back to Leases

Example of Charging Back to Departments

Chargeback Overview