Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Chargeback Cost Wizard

Approve Chargeback Costs

Note : If you have enabled the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, the View Chargeback Costs tab presents VAT and multicurrency fields. For a description of these costs fields, see Chargeback Cost Wizard When Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set. The information in this topic (Approve Chargeback Costs) provides a detailed description of the report applicable to all deployments.

From the Approve tab of the Chargeback Cost Wizard, you can review chargeback costs and approve them. This tab shows the Scheduled Cost records for chargeback costs. These records have a status of AUTO-CHARGEBACK (for prorated costs) or AUTO-ROLLUP (for rolled-up costs). You can restrict the view to show only the costs that you want to approve. However, you are not able to restrict by building, as chargeback that rolls up to or prorates to properties must include all buildings to be accurate.

Experimenting with Chargeback Scenarios

If you are experimenting with different chargeback scenarios, you can review the Scheduled Cost records created using your current cost categories. If needed, you can modify your cost categories (using the Define Cost Categories by Class task) to change the proration strategy and then regenerate the chargeback. Regenerating the chargeback prior to approving the chargeback costs will delete the unapproved scheduled chargeback costs and re-create them with your changes.

Approving Chargeback Costs

Once you have reviewed the list of chargeback costs ready to be approved, you can approve these records to create the approved chargeback records. If the chargeback costs are receivables, once they are approved you can issue invoices for them.

To chargeback costs:

  1. If necessary, set a restriction to approve only costs for a certain assignment, cost category, location, or time frame.

    Note: You are not able to restrict by building, as chargeback that rolls up to or prorates to properties must include all buildings to be accurate.

    Note: If you have generated chargeback for lease costs that are prorated to departments, in the Filter Console, change the selection to Departments for the "Show costs associated with" selection, and click Show. The Scheduled Cost records that are generated for costs with the chargeback definition of Leases - None - Departments are associated with a department.

  2. Click Approve Chargeback Costs.

When you approve chargeback,

How the System Handles Direct Billing

Costs assigned to a cost category that has the selection "All - None - Direct Bill" for their 'Assigned To - Rolls Up To - Prorates To' are not charged back; rather they are directly billed to the entity for which they were created. These costs do not need to go through the chargeback process .You can use the Filter console to exclude these costs when you generate chargeback.

If these directly billed costs are included in the chargeback, they are handled differently by the chargeback process. For these Cost records, the system does not generate a Scheduled Cost record. Instead, when you generate chargeback for these costs, the system sets the Chargeback Status field for the original approved Cost record to CHARGED BACK - SCHEDULED. This record does not appear in the Approve tab because it is not a Scheduled Cost record. However, after you approve the other chargeback costs that were generated with the Direct Bill costs, the Chargeback Status for this All/None/Direct Bill Cost record is changed from CHARGEBACK - SCHEDULED to CHARGEBACK -APPROVED.

Lease costs whose cost category's Assigned To - Rolls Up To - Prorates To value is "All-None-Direct Bill" are not subject to the Chargeback Cost Agreements table because they are directly applied to the lease. At the time you add Scheduled Cost records that have this proration strategy, you should check the Chargeback Cost Agreements table to determine the actual amount to assign to the lease. For example, determine whether the lease should be charged a portion of the cost, and whether the cost has a cap. You will need to manually adjust these cost records if there is a chargeback cost agreement.


After approving your chargeback costs, you review the approved chargeback from the View Approved tab.