Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing / Chargeback Cost Wizard

View Chargeback Exceptions

Note : If you have enabled the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, the View Exceptions tab presents VAT and multicurrency fields. For a description of these costs fields, see Chargeback Cost Wizard When Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set. The information in this topic (View Chargeback Exceptions) provides a detailed description of the report applicable to all deployments.

From the View Exceptions tab, you view any exceptions that were encountered when the chargeback action was run.

This tab lists records that had the following Chargeback Statuses:

Troubleshooting the Bad Owner Exception

The value selected for the chargeback definition for the cost category you assign to a Scheduled Cost record dictates the primary keys (such as, Building Code and Property Code) that must be completed, as well as elements of the hierarchy that must be entered for the chargeback to run correctly. The Bad Owner exception indicates that some of the required data is missing.

To troubleshoot Bad Owner exceptions, note the Chargeback Definition (Assigned To - Rolls Up To - Prorates To value) for the cost category for the cost. The cost category is listed on the View Exceptions tab. Then go to the topic The Nine Chargeback and Proration Definitions to see the required data for each chargeback definition.

Troubleshooting Departments Not in Method Exception

After generating chargeback, if a cost record on the View Exceptions tab has the Chargeback Status "Departments not in Method", this means that the cost uses the Leases - None - Departments value for it's Assigned To - Rolls Up To - Prorates To field, but your Lease Area Method is set to Suites. Note that groups and rooms can be associated with departments, but suites cannot. Therefore, if you want to charge back lease costs to departments, you must develop either groups or rooms. The solution is to either pick a different cost category for the cost, or to change your Lease Area Method. You must develop measured area that support the Lease Area Method you select. See Select Lease Area Method.


Once you have resolved the exceptions, you can return to the Generate tab and regenerate the chargeback costs, to remove the exceptions and re-create the proper chargeback records.

If there are no exceptions, or if you want to fix the exceptions later, go to the Approve tab to review the chargeback costs that did not have exceptions before approving them.