Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing

Chargeback Administrator

Once property and lease costs are entered and approved through the Costs application, Chargeback Administrators can use the Chargeback & Invoicing application to roll up and/or proportionately distribute these costs to internal lines of business or to tenants. As the Costs application works for property owners renting out space, tenants leasing space, or companies owning and occupying their buildings, the chargeback system accommodates these situations by distributing costs according to lease, department, building, property, or account.

As the Chargeback Administrator, you can:

Getting Started

Before you can charge back costs, the Business Process Owner must develop:

Before you can generate chargeback:

See Also

Understanding Costs

Chargeback Overview

Chargeback Cost Wizard Overview

Chargeback Cost Wizard When Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set: Overview

Costs: Application Overview

Chargeback Roll-Up Diagram

Chargeback Proration Diagram