Real Property / Chargeback & Invoicing

Chargeback Roll-Up Diagram

The following diagram shows an example of a chargeback scenario that rolls up building costs to properties and does not prorate the cost. This scenario is useful when you track costs at the building level, but budget at the property level.

The example shown uses the following data:

When you generate chargeback for costs with this chargeback definition (Buildings - Properties - None), the system groups costs by cost category and Property Code, and creates one Scheduled Cost record per cost category per property. This Scheduled Cost record documents your costs at the property level. Note that in this example, the approved Cost records that are being rolled up have two different due dates. The system assigns the Scheduled Cost record the most recent Date Due of all the records being rolled up.

This rolled-up Scheduled Cost record could be used for reporting. For example, you could generate a Cost Report by selecting all your building costs that have a cost category that rolls them up to properties. This would enable you to report on all your building costs at the property level.

Example of Rolling Up Building Costs to Properties:

diagram showing the records created when rolling up costs from the Chargeback Cost Wizard