Archibus SaaS / Assets
Assets / Enterprise Assets
Assets / Enterprise Assets
Assets / Assets

Reports for the Assets and Enterprise Assets Applications

Working from the following consoles, you can access asset information and analysis reports by invoking the Reports button. The Reports button also provides the full range of Asset Portal tasks for furniture and equipment.

The following are examples of some of the reports you can access:

Note that the list of reports also includes reports and tasks from the Asset Portal application. For example, in the above image you can see reports and forms for viewing and editing asset information, such as warranties and insurance information. Although you can perform these same tasks working from the consoles, the Reports menu includes these Asset Portal tasks to provide flexibility in the way you work. For a description of accessing all the Asset Portal tasks, see Accessing the Tasks of the Asset Portal.

Profile reports

In addition to the above reports, the Consoles provide the following profile views, which can be accessed from the Show Profile button on the various Consoles:

Each of these profiles include an export button for outputting the profile to paginated report DOCX.

Reports from other applications

Be aware that some reports listed depend on data developed in applications other than Enterprise Assets or Assets. For example, if you do not have a license for the Energy application, and you generate the Energy Consumption by Location report, there will be location information, but not any energy consumption data, as that data is developed using the Energy application.

List of available reports

The following reports are available by clicking the Reports button, and then selecting the asset type from the menu. A fly-out menu then presents the Asset Information and Asset Analysis choices for that asset type.

The table indicates the application license that is needed to develop this report.

Asset Type / Information Type Report Application / module in which the report is developed


Asset Information

  • Buildings by Location
  • Structures by Location
  • Land by Locations

See Buildings / Structures / Land by Location

  Lifecycle Chain of Custody Enterprise Assets


Buildings Dashboard

Structures Dashboard

Land Dashboard

All Properties Yearly Financial Summary by Country report

Land Area by Country



Asset Information

Buildings by Location Portfolio

View Building Performance Analysis

Space Inventory

Space SaaS module


Allocation and Benchmarks

Space Inventory


Space SaaS module


Compliance Violation Map


Highlight Buildings and Rooms with Issues

Building Sustainability Summary

Condition Assessment

Sustainability Assessment

  Hazard Assessments by Building Map Hazard Abatement
  Green Building Scoring Dashboard Green Building
  Energy Consumption by Location Energy
  Lifecycle Chain of Custody Enterprise Assets

Asset Information

View Equipment Standards Book

Equipment Assets Console

View Equipment Plan

View and Edit Equipment Information

View Equipment by Department

View Equipment by Floor

View and Edit Service Contracts

View and Edit Warranties

View Equipment by Warranty

View Equipment Warranties and Service Contracts

View and Edit Insurers

View and Edit Insurance Policies

View Equipment by Insurance Policy

View and Edit Lessors

View and Edit Leases

View and Assign Equipment by Lease

View and Assign Leases by Lessor

Lifecycle Chain of Custody (available in Enterprise Assets only)

Any of the following licenses:

  • Asset Portal
  • Assets
  • Enterprise Assets
  • Assets module


Equipment Maintenance History

Work Request for Same Equipment or Location

Equipment Failure Analysis

Equipment Replacement Analysis

Any of the following licenses:

  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Corrective Maintenance
  • Maintenance module
Asset Information

View Furniture Standards Book

View Room Plan with Tagged Furniture

View and Edit Tagged Furniture

View Room Plan with Furniture Standards

View Tagged Furniture by Department

View Tagged Furniture by Room

Lifecycle Chain of Custody (available in Enterprise Assets only)

Any of the following licenses:

  • Asset Portal
  • Assets
  • Enterprise Assets
  • Assets module

View Tagged Furniture Counts by...

  • Standard
  • Building
  • Floor
  • Room
  • Department
  • Department by Building

Note: You access the Furniture Standards Inventory Counts by... reports using the Furniture Standards Inventory process.

Any of the following licenses:

  • Asset Portal
  • Assets
  • Enterprise Assets
  • Assets module
Asset Information

Review Project Profiles

View Milestone Statuses by Project

View Projects Calendar

View Projects Map

View Projects Org. Impact by Building


View Budget by Program

View Budget by Program Type

View Approved Projects Funding by Year

Capital Budgeting
Analysis Compare Annual Project Costs to Budget Projects