Assets / Asset Portal / Equipment
Assets / Telecom Assets / Telecom Management
Capital Projects/ Commissioning / Post-Construction

View Equipment by Insurance Policy

The View Equipment by Insurance Policy report enables you to review your equipment by the insurance policy it is assigned to.  This report presents a list of your insurance policies. Select a policy to see a list of all equipment covered by that policy.

You can export the list of equipment assigned to a policy to Excel to manipulate and print the data.

 For commissioning projects, insurance policy information can be collected at the time of the commissioning assessment, and can be used throughout the lifecycle of the equipment.

Assigning Equipment to an Insurance Policy

You can assign equipment to insurance policies when adding or editing the equipment record. (View and Edit Equipment Information task). You can also do so from the View Equipment by Insurance Policy task.

To assign equipment to an insurance policy:

  1. Access the View Equipment by Insurance Policy task from the above locations.
  2. From the Insurance Policies list, select the policy you want to assign equipment to.

    The Equipment List Details displays the equipment assigned to the selected warranty.

  3. Click Assign Equipment.
  4. On the Equipment dialog select the check boxes for the equipment you want to assign to the policy, and click Assign.