Capital Projects / Projects / Monitor

Monitor Reports (Overview)

While the Execute process focuses on all the details of a single project at one time, the Monitor process presents information on many projects at one time. Facilities managers and project managers can review Monitor reports to view the status of multiple projects and drill down to the details of specific projects. In addition, executive managers can review an extensive set of reports that detail critical project information, including an interactive project scorecard that provides a graphical snapshot of project performance based on both schedule and cost.

For information on the Monitor reports, see the following topics:

In addition to high-level management reports, you can access general project reports that provide you with details on projects currently being executed. You can also create historical reports. For more information, see the following topics:

View Analysis Views

Some of the Monitor reports are View Analysis views, which include clickable links to detail views. For information on View Analysis views, see the Working with View Analysis Views topic.

Understanding Monitor Report Calculations

A wide variety of reports are available in the Monitor process. Many of the fields in these reports display values that are calculated based on budgeted cost values. The budgeted cost values are calculated based on design cost estimates. One of the important field values that is displayed is the Schedule Performance Index, which is calculated using the Cost Ratio method.

Budgeted Cost Values

Many of the calculations for Monitor reports use Budgeted Cost of Work Performed and Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled values as part of field calculations. For example, the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed value is part of the calculation for the Cost Performance Index and Schedule Performance Index fields. These budgeted cost values are based on the design cost estimates.

Schedule Performance Index

By default, the Projects application uses the Cost Ratio method of calculating the Schedule Performance Index value, which is displayed in many Monitor reports.

The Schedule Performance Index is calculated as Budgeted Cost of Work Performed/Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled. This value is derived from design cost estimates. For example, if the cost of work completed to date is $10,000, and the total estimated design costs for work scheduled to be completed to date is $20,000, then the Schedule Performance Index is equal to .5. An index >1 indicates the project is ahead of schedule; an index <1 indicates that the project is behind schedule. Because this method is based solely on costs, users must be careful to enter accurate design cost estimates.

Project Managers may be familiar with alternative methods of calculating the Schedule Performance Index, such as Units of Work Complete, Incremental Milestones, or Opinion. Users may want to use the Percent Complete field in the Actions table to indicate values for other factors.