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Add and Edit Warranties

Your site may want to maintain detailed information about warranties, such as the warranty vendor and the contact information for the provider of the warranty service, and expiration information for the warranty. You can add warranties for your furniture and equipment items. Multiple items may be purchased under one warranty, so you can first define the warranties and then associate furniture and equipment items with warranties.


Adding or Editing Warranty Information

To add or edit warranty information:

  1. Select the Add and Edit Warranties task from a path listed at the top of this topic. You can also access it from View the Asset Lifecycle Console under Reports -> Equipment -> Asset Information. See Asset Reports.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To add a new record, click Add New at the top of the Warranties list.
    • To edit a record, select it in the Warranties list.

      The Edit Warranties screen displays the fields for the warranty record.

  3. Enter the following required field:

    Warranty Code: The primary key field that uniquely identifies each warranty.

  4. Enter the following optional fields as needed

    Warranty Vendor: The provider of the warranty. This is the vendor to call when you need to execute the warranty. If you enter the Warranty Vendor for the equipment it is shown on the Report Problem form when

    Contact Info: Contact information on the provider of the warranty.

    Description: A description of the warranty coverage. Can also document the location of the warranty paperwork, as it may be required to execute the warranty.

    Expiration Date: The date that the warranty expires. The expiration date may be in addition to, or instead of, a meter expiration.

    Meter Units / Metered Expiration: The Metered Expiration is the warranty expiration in terms of metered units, such as miles, hours of runtime, or rotations. The Meter Units field describes such units. The Meter fields do not mandate that items assigned to the warranty expire on the same date, only that they are warranted for the same period. For example, if Meter Expiration is 90 and Meter Units is Days, any tagged furniture or equipment asset that has a 90 day warranty, regardless of the exact date the warranty expires, can be assigned to the warranty

    Warranty Document: Use this document field to hold files referring to your warranty. For example, you could scan the paper copy of the warranty, and then reference this file in the field. Such a procedure saves you from manually entering the details of the warranty into the database.

    Note: You must first save the warranty record before attaching the document. After you save the warranty record, an arrow appears next to the Warranty Document field. Click this arrow to browse for the file you want to attach to this field.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Warranties

To delete a warranty record:

  1. Select the View and Edit Warranties task from a path listed at the top of this topic.

    The View and Edit Warranties form displays a list of your warranties.

  2. Select the record from the Warranty list.
  3. The Edit Warranties screen displays the fields for the selected record.
  4. Click Delete at the top of the Edit Warranties pane.

    A message asks you to confirm the deletion.

  5. Click OK.

    The warranty record is removed from the database.

See Also

Equipment Reports