Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Coordinator / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Coordinator / Move Console

Review a Requested Move and Estimate its Costs

After an individual move or group move has been requested, the move coordinator can review the move to:

Additionally, at this time you can optionally:

After reviewing and estimating the move request with this task, you can:

Note: If the move requestor notifies you that they want to withdraw a move request, you can change the status of the move request to Requested-Rejected to cancel the move request.

Review and Edit a Requested Individual Move

Review the data that has been entered by the move requestor to verify that it is accurate. Make any changes as needed.

  1. Load the  Move Coordinator / Move Console task.
  2. From the Move Console's Move List, expand the Requested header, and select an individual move.
  3. Edit the requested move and add details as necessary.
  4. If you created an employee or room move and it has assigned equipment or furniture, you may want to delete it from the move.
    • Click the Furniture or Equipment tabs at the top of the form. These tabs do not display if the employee or room does not have assigned furniture or equipment.
    • Select the check box for the assets you want to delete and click Delete.
    • Click Close to return to the "Review and Estimate" tab.
  5. Click the Save button. 
  6. Optionally:
  7. You can now:
    • Save the move data you have entered by clicking the Save button. The move is saved. It is now ready to be routed for approval. See Routing a Move for Approval.
    • If you want to auto-approve the move so that it requires no further approval, click the Auto-Approve button in the upper right corner.

Review and Edit a Requested Group Move

  1. From the Move Console's Move List, expand the Requested header, and select a group move. You will move to the Review Details tab, where you can see the moves assigned to the group move, with each type of move listed on its own tab. For example, the below image shows a move project with 26 Employee moves, one New Hire move, and one action.

  2. To review the details of the move project, click the Edit Project Details button. This opens the Project Details panel on the right, as shown above. Many of the fields will already be complete from the move requestor or the application in which the move was generated. For details, see Edit a Group Move.
  3. Save any move project changes by clicking the Save button in the Project Details panel.
  4. Using each tab, review and edit the list of assets or people to move.
  5. Optionally:
  6. Once you are satisfied with the list of items to move, you can:
    • Return to the move list and route the move for approval. See Routing a Move for Approval.
    • If you want to auto-approve the move so that it requires no further approval, click the Auto-Approve button.


Route a Move for Approval

Approve a Move

See Also

Move Status (Concept)

Move Console Overview

Explore the Move Console