Specifying How the Schema Change Wizard Works

After starting the Schema Change Wizard, you will need to answer a series of questions that determine how the update will take place.

The first choice is how the wizard will apply the changes. You must decide if you want the system to:

Note: The files for re-creating SQL views (ab-products\common\sqlviews) no longer include the afm_tbls and afm_flds import statements; these table and field definitions were moved to external csv import files (ab-products\common\sqlviews\dt). If you want to apply changes directly to the database using the "Output changes to an SQL view" option, you can manually import these files with this procedure:
1. Using data-transfer, import the .csv files from ab-products\common\sqlviews\dt.
2. Execute the .sql files matching the pattern schemawiz*<dbtype>*.sql files from \ab-products\common\sqlviews where <dbtype> represents your database vendor.
You now proceed to the step below: "The next decision is the type of change the wizard should make"

The next decision is the type of change the wizard should make:

The third parameter tells the wizard which tables to update.

Finally, there are two check boxes:

Oracle Databases Only

For Oracle projects, the Schema Change Wizard supports length semantics. The Set Oracle to measure field size in CHARs not BYTEs option has the following effects:


Click on Compare and Next to Update the SQL Tables with Database Dictionary Changes.