Choosing the Tables to Transfer or Compare

Whether you import data into the database, or export data out of the database, you must specify the tables to transfer.

Similarly, if you run the Database Update Wizard to compare data, specify the tables to compare.

You can explicitly choose tables, or choose data based on its function.

Project-Specific Tables

By default, the system selects all of the project-specific tables. These tables include:

Note: The Project Data option does not include tables that have afm_tbls.is_sql_view = Yes. Archibus tables that represent SQL views are not physical tables; therefore, no data needs to be imported, exported, or updated .

Application Extension Tables

Application extension tables hold customizations you may have made. These tables are:

For more information, see Archibus Schema Tables.

Named Tables

The Named Tables option is another way to select tables for processing. Enter a list of tables in the Tables Like control. Separate the table names with a semicolon (;). Use the percent sign (%) as a LIKE-style wildcard. For example, entering "bl; fl; rm%" will give you the building (bl) table, the floor (fl) table and all table names that begin with rm.

Note: You cannot mix the Named Tables option and either of the pre-defined set of tables. Once you select the Named Tables option, all of the other table-groups will be unselected. Likewise, if you select one of the pre-defined table-groups, the Named Tables option will be unselected.

If you have selected the Named Tables option, you can also elect to include validating tables by checking the box. This option cascades all validating tables for any named table. For instance, if you name the Rooms (rm) table, this option adds not only the validating tables specified for rm fields, but will also include tables for validated fields in the Buildings (bl) table and validating tables for the Building table's validated fields, and so on. Entering rm and checking Include Validating Tables results in a list of more than 50 tables.

Including validating tables is a convenient way to export a data table and its supporting reference tables. For example, if you export the files with this method you will find that when you import the data to another database you will not have any constraint errors.

Click on Next to go to the next step: Perform Transfer. The wizard performs the following checks:

If you are performing a Transfer Out for any type of file, or if you are Transferring In tables other than the Data Dictionary tables, the Perform Transfer tab will be displayed.

If you are performing a Transfer In for Data Dictionary tables, the Perform Transfer / Merge Data Dictionary tab will be displayed.


How to Transfer Data In (Import)

How to Transfer Data Out (Export)

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Database Update Wizard: Comparing Data Overview

Database Update Wizard Overview