Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console

Concept: Tracking Work by Division and Department

Using the Maintenance Console, you have the option to track your work requests by the division and department the work is for. Knowing which divisions and departments are requiring the most work can be useful information, especially if you want to track labor and other costs by organizational unit.

Benefits of tracking division and department for work

If you associate work with the division or department for the work:

Associating divisions and departments with work

The following describes how to set up and manage divisions and department information.

Step 1 - Set Up Divisions and Departments

The first step when tracking work by the organizational unit is to enter the divisions and departments for which you want to track work. This might already be added if your business process owner has set up background data, or if you are using another application for which this information has been added.

To add your organizational units:

  1. Select Define Organizations.
  2. The Define Organizations form appears. Use this form to develop the divisions and departments you want to track. If needed, there is a step for developing business units.

See Define Organization for step-by-step instructions.

Step 2 - Associate Divisions and Departments with Work

When submitting work requests, the application automatically records the division and department that is associated with the logged-on user as the division and department for the work. For this reason, if you want to track work by your organizational units, it is important to enter the division and department when entering your employees into the system. See Entering Employees.

You will not see the division and department on the Report Problem form, but supervisors will see this information on the Work Request form and approving managers will see it when approving work (for an edit and approve step.)


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