Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Maintenance Mobile App

Assign Craftspersons to the Work Request and Schedule

When you schedule a craftsperson, you assign a specific craftsperson to the work for a specific date and time, and can optionally estimate the hours the work will take.

Note: The estimated hours can also be entered for the trade (rather than the specific craftsperson) when entering estimates for the work. If both are entered, the estimate for the craftsperson is used when the application calculates estimated costs.

The Scheduling step is always available for supervisors for any approved work request before it is issued, but the step is required only if the SLA for the work request defines it to be.

Tip: You schedule work when it is Approved, or Assigned to a Work Order. At this point, you are also able to update some data for the request. You can enter or update the Account, Division, or Department. You can also redline a floor plan drawing to illustrate the problem, and attach this to the request as a document.

Supervisors can also forward work requests that are Approved, Assigned to Work Order, or Issued to another supervisor or work team. See Forwarding Work.

Benefits of scheduling craftspersons

Next steps

How to Update Work Requests

Related topics

Tracking Craftsperson Hours and Costs

Other ways to work

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Maintenance Console: Overview

Working from the Maintenance Console or from the Maintenance Mobile App: Overview