Archibus OnSite

Offline Support

OnSite offers offline support so that technicians can work in remote locations without an Internet connection. Offline support might be necessary when technicians service equipment in basements of older buildings where Internet connection is unreliable or unavailable.

OnSite's offline support is built on a behind-the-scene automated process that minimizes disruption to the technician’s work. The solution enables technicians to access their work queue offline with minimal effort and complete their work the in same way they do as when online.

Typical Workflow

  1. A manager activates offline support for the site and configures its behavior.

  2. A technician prepares for offline work by downloading data to the local device. See Download Data and Keep it Current.

  3. A technician goes to an offline location and works offline.

  4. Technician returns to an online location and the data automatically syncs.

    • All server errors, including sync errors, are written to the mobile_logs table. See View Mobile Log task.

  5. If there are server or sync errors, the manager can review them in Web Central using the View Mobile Log task.

See Also