Archibus Workplace

Licensing and Set-up Tasks

This topic has the following sections:

Workplace and Licensing

Workplace includes the following options depending on licensing:

Workplace includes this feature ... ... if you have a license for one of these products Corresponding Module or Application Task

Request a move

Space SaaS module

Moves application

Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Requestor / Request <type> Move

Space / Moves / Move Requestor / Request <type> Move

Request meeting space

Reservations module

Reservations application

Workplace Services / Reservations / Reserve Rooms and-or Resources / Reservations Calendar Console

Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Reservations Calendar Console

Request working space

Reservations module

Hoteling application

Archibus SaaS / Reservations / Reserve / Create Booking

Workplace Services / Hoteling / Create and Review Bookings / Create Bookings

If the corresponding modules or applications are not purchased, a license check automatically disables the Workplace features for moves, meeting reservations, and workspace reservations .

Additionally, you can disable features yourself. For example, if you have a license for Space but do not want users to request moves, you can disable the move features. To disable Workplace features, see Activate and Deactivate Workplace Features.

The move, reservation, workspace booking features of Workplace are controlled by the parameters and behavior found in the corresponding modules and applications, as outlined in the table above, Workplace is another interface to request these services.

For example, you can request a working space using the Create Bookings task or Workplace; once the booking is made, it is processed and managed the same way and the same parameters govern it regardless of from which interface it was requested.

Set-up Tasks

Define request types and define SLAs for processing the types of request:

If you have licenses for the Hoteling and Reservations applications or the Reservations module, you must run the necessary set-up tasks so that you can use Workplace's meeting space and working space request features.