Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Part Inventory
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data – Maintenance

Manually Adjusting the Parts Inventory

Your can use the Adjust Inventory task (ab-bldgops-adjust-inv-mpsl.axvw) to record manual parts inventory transactions. When you work from this view, the system updates inventory data in both the Parts in Storage Locations (pt_store_loc_pt) and Parts Inventory (pt) tables. The Parts in Storage Locations table records parts by their storage location, while the Parts Inventory table tracks the parts inventory for all storage locations.

See Calculations for Inventory Transactions.

When you record a parts inventory transaction, you can select from the following types of transactions that reflect the situations in which manual adjustments are needed:

Transaction Type Description
Add as Newly Received Adds the specified part quantity to the Quantity Available field in the Parts Inventory and Parts in Storage Locations tables, and calculates a new average cost for the part.
Disburse These are parts that were not recorded on a work order, so you manually disburse them. The system subtracts the specified part quantity from the Quantity Available field in the Parts Inventory and Parts in Storage Locations tables; in the Inventory Transactions table, posts the cost to the specified account.
Return Unused Adds the specified part quantity to the Quantity Available field in the Parts Inventory and Parts in Storage Locations tables; in the Inventory Transactions table, posts a negative cost to the specified account. Use this option to correct part quantities for closed out work orders or errors you make with the above Disburse option.
Rectify Physical Inventory

If your physical and electronic parts inventories differ, you can use this action to correct the electronic inventory by entering the number of parts found during a physical survey. The application copies the quantity you enter in the Quantity field to the Physical Count Qty (pt.qty_physical_count). If needed, the application updates the Quantity Available field in the Parts Inventory table with the part quantity value you enter. If you have a Quantity on Reserve, the calculation considers this when updating the Quantity Available field.

  • For example, if you had 20 of a part on reserve, 20 available, and a physical count of 50, the system would update the Quantity Available to 30 (Physical Count minus Quantity Reserved.)

  • This action also updates the Date of Last Count field.

Transfer Move parts from one storage location to another where the parts are needed. When you transfer parts, you can choose to transfer parts that are already reserved for non-completed work requests. This enables the system to update the Part Estimate records

Adding New Parts as you Work

When you manually adjust the parts inventory, you select the part you are making adjustments for. If the Part Code does not yet exist in the database, and you are assigned to the ADD-NEW-OPS-DATA security group, then you can add it by clicking on the “Add New” button on the Select Value form accessed by clicking in the Part Code field.

The new part is saved into the Parts Inventory (pt) table, and is shown in the selection grid. The part is also saved in the Parts in Storage Locations (pt_store_loc_pt) table for the Main storage location. The Main storage location is the default storage location. If you have renamed this location to reflect the actual name of your main storage location, the part is saved to that renamed location.

To add a new part as you work:

  1. Mouse over the Part Code field in the Manual Parts Inventory Transaction form, and click the Select Value button () that appears.

    The Select Value - Parts Inventory form appears.

  2. Review the list of parts. If the part does not exist in the list, click Add New.

    The Add New Parts Inventory form appears.

  3. Enter the following information for the new part:

    Part Code: Enter the unique identifier for the part.

    Tip: A good practice is to begin similar parts with the same identifier, and then append a unique suffix that identifies the part. For example, all your light bulbs could begin with BULB; you could then create parts BULB-FLOR-75W and BULB-FLOOD-150W to distinguish flood and florescent lights. You could further append the wattage to define specific bulbs.

    Part Description: Enter a description to further identify the part. The Description appears in selection lists. For example, enter 150W, 120V, 4000 Hrs., 4 1/2" Dia., Tung to describe a particular florescent bulb.

    Part Classification: Enter a value that groups similar parts. Having this value provides a way to search for similar parts.

    Minimum to store: Complete the Minimum to Store field with the quantity you would like to keep on hand. You can determine this from the average parts usage over time and the lead time required to receive new parts. When you run the Calculate Inventory Usage action, the program then uses this value to determine the Quantity Understocked value. See Calculate Inventory Usage.

    Stock Number / Model Number / Typical Order: Enter this information as a reference for placing orders

    Unit Cost - set by User: Enter the typical cost per unit so that the application can calculate the Inventory Value (pt.cost_total) when you run the Calculate Inventory Usage action. The Inventory Value is shown in the Current Parts Inventory report (Operational Reports / Current Parts Inventory). See Operational Reports

    Units of Issue/ Units of Order: Select the units in which this part is issued for work, or the units you use when ordering the part. Select values such as: each, dozen, pound.

  4. Click Save.

Adding Parts as Newly Received

When parts are newly received, you can enter them into the system using the Adjust Inventory task.

To add parts as newly received:

  1. Select the Adjust Physical Inventory task.

    The Manual Parts Inventory Transaction form appears.

    Replace screen shot to show Account

  1. Mouse over the Part Code field, and select the Select Value button () that appears.

    The Select Value - Parts Inventory form appears.

  1. Select the part from the list. To add a part that is not on the list, use the Add New action. See Adding new parts as you work
  2. Enter the following information:

    Part Code: Select the new parts you have received from the list of parts entered into the system.

    Quantity (each). Enter the quantity that you received.

    Price: Enter the cost per unit paid for the part, so that the application can calculate the average cost for the part. When you process the dialog, the action calculates a new average cost for all parts (Unit Cost - Average), applying the entered price to only the new quantity.

    Inventory Action. Select Add as Newly Received.

    To Storage Location: Select the storage location where you are storing the parts.

    Account Code: Select the internal account these parts should be charged to.

    Note: The Quantity on Reserve is shown as a reference.

  3. Click Save.

    If this part does not have a record in the Parts in Storage Locations table for the To Storage Location, the system creates one so that the inventory transaction of adding the new parts can occur. The system inserts the record in the Parts In Storage Locations table with values for only the Part Code and the Storage Location Code.

    The system adds the specified part quantity to the Quantity Available field in the Parts Inventory and Parts in Storage Locations tables, and calculates a new average cost for the part.

Disbursing parts or Returning Parts Unused

If you choose an Inventory Action of Disburse or Return Unused, you can optionally enter the account to which the selected parts should be charged. You can then use the View Inventory Transactions report to examine how parts are charged to accounts. See Inventory Transaction report.

Rectify Physical Inventory

As the inventory manager, you might periodically survey a storage location to count the number of parts in the inventory. If the electronic inventory differs from your physical count, correct the electronic inventory by entering the number of parts found during a physical survey. You do this using the Rectify Physical Inventory action from the Adjust Inventory task.

The application also updates the Quantity Available field in the Parts Inventory table if necessary with the specified part quantity value. If you have a Quantity on Reserve, the calculation considers this when updating the Quantity Available field.

For example, if you had 20 of a part on reserve, 20 available, and a physical count of 50, the system would update the Quantity Available to 30 (Physical Count minus Quantity Reserved.)

This action also updates the Date of Last Count field.

Note: If you want to update the physical count without updating the Quantity Available, you do this using the Update Physical Count action from the Manage Parts Inventory task. See Updating the Physical Count from the Manage Parts Inventory Task.

Note: You can also adjust your inventory using the Physical Inventory Variance report. See Comparing the Electronic and Physical Parts Inventory. This report enables you to adjust the Quantity Available based on the physical count, without creating a transaction.

To adjust the parts inventory:

  1. Access the Adjust Physical Inventory Task.

    The Manual Parts Inventory Transaction form appears.

  2. Enter the following information:

    Part Code: Select from the list of parts entered into the system. To add a part that is not on the list, use the Add New action. See Adding new parts as you work

    Quantity. Enter the quantity that you counted.

    Inventory Action. Select Rectify Physical Inventory.

    Note: The Price field is disabled when the transaction type is Rectify Physical Inventory. This is because cost calculations are performed by the workflow rule.

    To Storage Location: Select the storage location that you surveyed, and that had the quantity you entered.

  3. Click Save.

    The quantity you entered is saved in the Physical Count Qty field (pt_store_loc_pt.qty_physical_count), and the Date of Last Count (date_of_last_cnt) field is updated with the current date.

    The parts inventory is updated in both the Parts in Storage Locations table (tracks parts by their storage location), and in the Parts Inventory table (tracks the cumulative inventory of all storage locations.)

    For details on the updates performed, see Calculations for the Rectify Physical Inventory action.

Transferring Parts from one Storage Location to Another

As the local storage location manager, you might need to transfer parts from one location to another. You can use the Adjust Inventory task to record this transfer.

For example, your organization might want to track the chain of custody of parts from the store room to the craftsperson's mobile storage location, and also to track the actual quantities at each location as parts are collected from storage centers and loaded onto mobile storage. If a craftsperson is picking up parts that are already reserved for a work request, this can be indicated on the form, so that the Part Estimate records can be updated.

Note: When you work from the Adjust Inventory view, the Transfer action will not allow you to make a transfer that will unreserve parts.

To transfer parts from one storage location to another:

  1. Access the Adjust Physical Inventory task.

    The Manual Parts Inventory Transaction form appears.

  2. Enter the following information:

    Part Code: Select from the list of parts entered into the system. To add a part that is not on the list, use the Add New action. See Adding new parts as you work

    Quantity. Enter the quantity of this part that are being transferred.

    Inventory Action. Select' Transfer.' This action transfers the parts from one storage location to another.

    Note: The Price field is disabled when the transaction type is Transfer as the price for these parts has already been accounted for.

    To Storage Location: Select the storage location that will receive the parts.

    From Storage Location: Select the storage location you want to take the parts from.

    The Quantity Available is shown as a reference so you know how many parts are available.

  3. Click Save.

    When you transfer parts, the system performs the following calculations:

    • Increases the Quantity Available for the To Storage Location by the quantity transferred.
    • Decreases the Quantity Available for the From Storage Location by the quantity transferred.
    • Recalculates the Unit Cost - Average to account for the transfer.
    • Checks to see if a record already exists in the Parts in Storage Locations (pt_store_loc_pt) table for the chosen Part Code and To Storage Location Code. If not, the system inserts a record so that the transfer can occur.
    • The system checks that you are not transferring more parts than are available.

Transferring Parts Reserved for a Specific Work Request

When you transfer parts, you can choose to transfer parts that are already reserved for non-completed work requests. This enables the system to update the Part Estimate records.

To transfer parts reserved for a specific work request:

Follow the steps 1-2 in the above procedure for transferring parts from one storage location to another.

To transfer parts reserved for a specific work request:

  1. Access the Adjust Physical Inventory task.

    The Manual Parts Inventory Transaction form appears.

  2. Enter the following information:

    Part Code: Select from the list of parts entered into the system. To add a part that is not on the list, use the Add New action. See Adding new parts as you work

    Quantity. Enter the quantity of this part that are being transferred. This number can include a mix of parts that are Available and Parts that are Reserved. When transferring reserved parts, the value of the Quantity field must be greater than or equal to the total quantity selected from reserved parts (see below).

    Inventory Action. Select' Transfer.' This action transfers the parts from one storage location to another.

    Note: The Price field is disabled when the transaction type is Transfer as the price for these parts has already been accounted for.

    To Storage Location: Select the storage location that will receive the parts, such as the storage location of the craftsperson's vehicle or cart.

    From Storage Location: Select the storage location the parts are coming from.

    The Quantity Available is shown as a reference so you know how many parts are available.

    When you select a Part Code and a From Storage Location, the Parts Reservations for Part Code in Storage Location pane appears. The pane shows reservations for the selected Part Code and From Storage Location where the status for the reservation is Reserved.

    Note: Parts that are "Not In Stock" "In Stock, Not Reserved" cannot be transferred, so they do not appear in the grid.

  3. Select the check boxes in the Transfer? column for the part reservations for which you are collecting parts.

    As you make selections, the Total Reserved Quantity to Transfer ( sum of the wrpt.on_reserve for the selected records) updates to reflect your selections. This field summarizes the number of reserved parts you have selected.

    Note: You can transfer a mix of parts that are Available and parts that are Reserved by choosing a Quantity in the top pane of the Manual Parts Inventory Transactions pane that is higher than the Total Reserved Quantity to Transfer (sum of the reserved parts you have selected).
    - The value of the Quantity field in the Manual Parts Inventory Transaction form must be greater than or equal to the total quantity selected from reserved parts.
    - Also, the total quantity to transfer cannot be greater than the sum of the Available and Reserved parts.
    - Note that when working from the Adjust Inventory task, the transfer cannot “unreserve” parts.

  4. Click Save.
    • The system updates the inventory quantities in both storage locations, and updates the Work Request Part Estimate records to the receiving location (for example, the craftsperson’s vehicle / cart.)
    • Decreases the Quantity Reserved of the From Storage Location by the quantity of reserved parts that are being transferred.
    • Increases the Quantity Reserved of the Storage Location To by the quantity of reserved parts that are being transferred.
    • The Quantity value must be less than or equal to the sum of the Quantity Available and the sum of the selected part reservations. If it is not, you will see this error message: “You cannot transfer more parts than are available.”

Reviewing Manual Adjustments: the Inventory Transactions Report

Since the electronic inventory is automatically updated by the work order completion procedure, any manual adjustments that you make to the parts inventory should be documented. Run the Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager / View Inventory Transactions task (ab-bldgops-view-it-mpsl.axvw) to review the Inventory Transactions table, which lists all of the updates manually transacted using the Adjust Inventory action. The transactions are grouped by part and then ordered by date so that you can easily see the transactions for each part.

Use this report as a historical audit of your inventory transactions. If you find that you are making many manual adjustments, perhaps you need to review your procedures for assigning parts to work orders.

Note that the report displays the Transaction Performed By field. The system completes this field with the user's log-in name to provide a record of who is making manual changes.