Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Reports
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Operational Reports
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Operational Reports

Operational Reports

Use the following reports to analyze your maintenance workload, craftsperson performance, equipment condition, and so forth. By carefully analyzing these reports, you can assess how to better manage your resources, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and proactively maintain your facility.

Note: For many of these reports you can restrict the work requests that the system includes in the report's data by a variety of criteria, such as location, problem type, date range during which work is to completed, and date range during which work has been completed. Choose the Show button once you've selected the criteria.

Unless the filter prompts includes an option for choosing a work type (on demand, preventive maintenance, or both), all reports include data from both on demand and preventive maintenance work orders.

On the Navigator, the operational reports are organized into the following categories:

Summary Reports

Current Information

Current Equipment -- Since equipment often needs to be serviced, use this task to access a series of reports on your building equipment (vents, fire extinguishers, cooling systems), office equipment (copiers, faxes) and IT equipment (computers, printers). Use the various tabs to view equipment in terms of standard, location, or the department or employee using it.

Equipment Parts -- Use the Parts by Equipment report to see the parts required for each equipment item. The "Equipment Bill of Materials" tab shows the parts used by each equipment item. For each equipment and equipment subcomponent, it shows the average life and usage per year for the required parts. From the "Equipment Bill of Materials" tab, run the Update Average Parts Usage /Year action to update the Average Part Usage / Year shown in the report.

Equipment Warranties and Service Contracts -- If you have documented the warranties and service contracts covering each equipment item, use this set of reports to view your warranties and service contracts and their associated equipment items.

Current Labor -- This report shows basic information about each trade, such as regular and overtime rate, and lists the craftspersons of each trade. Basic and rate information for each craftsperson is listed as well.

Current Parts Inventory-- This report shows one tab, Parts in Storage Locations. This cross-table report breaks down the count of parts in each of the locations in which they are stored. To access details for the storage locations for the parts shown, click on a count. A popup window shows the Quantity Available, Quantity on Reserve, and the Physical Count Quantity for each part contributing to the total.

Current Tools -- Use this set of reports to see the tools and tool types currently entered for your facility.

Current Work and Planning

Equipment Schedules -- This report displays a calendar listing the scheduled work and its estimated cost for each piece of equipment on each day. For details on a particular job, click on the calendar entry to access a pop-up dialog listing the work request, estimated cost, and equipment item. Review this report to check which equipment has scheduled work and all the work requests scheduled for a particular day. Use the filter limit the items displayed on the calendar.

Trade and Craftsperson Workload -- This set of reports is typically used by supervisors who require a high-level picture of the scheduled work. Choose either the Trade or Craftsperson tab to access the type of data you require. Complete the filter to choose a date range and other restrictions. For each trade or craftsperson, the report summarizes the active work requests whose assigned dates are within the specified date range. Click on a cell to see the exact work requests contributing to this data.

This can help you answer such questions as:

Trades Availability -- This report is typically used by a supervisor who needs to compare availability vs. workload for each trade. This report answers the question: what is the current workload and availability for each trade? This report lists the total available and committed hours for each trade on each day of the specified time period. Review this report to check how many hours are still available for each trade per day. The committed hours per trade are determined from all the work requests that are not yet completed and have assigned trade requirements. To see the exact work requests that are contributing to the committed hours, click on the Committed Hours cell. To see a listing of the work requests that have trades requirements for a specified date, click on the Date cell. To see a listing of the work requests for a specific trade, click on the Trade cell.

Craftsperson Availability -- This report lists each craftsperson's total available and committed hours per day sorted by trade for the specified time period. Review this report to check how many hours each craftsperson has available per day. The availability is based on the craftsperson's value for the Standard Hours Available field. Hours committed derive from work request assignments. To see the exact work requests that are contributing to the committed hours, click on the Committed Hours cell. To see a listing of the work requests to which craftspersons have been assigned for a specified date, click on the Date cell. To see a listing of the work requests for a specific craftsperson, click on the Craftsperson cell.

Reserved Parts -- This report presents a calendar that lists the parts that are reserved (the parts that have a value for Quantity on Reserve) for jobs to be executed on upcoming dates. Click on a calendar cell to see the exact parts requested and the work requests that require them. Review this report to determine if there are any work requests that you can cancel in order to obtain a part you urgently need.

Understocked Parts -- Running out of parts can delay your maintenance, increase your equipment downtime, and drive up labor costs as craftspersons wait for a missing part to be ordered or delivered. Use this report to determine the parts that are understocked and need purchasing and the vendors from whom you purchase these parts. To make sure that the report displays up-to-date inventory information, first run the Calculate Inventory Usage routine by choosing this button.

Physical Inventory Variance -- If you survey your facility to count the number of parts in your inventory, use this report to compare your electronic inventory to your physical inventory. For information, see Comparing the Electronic and Physical Parts Inventory.

Tools Availability -- This report is typically used by a supervisor who needs to compare availability vs. workload for each tool. This helps managers assess the rate at which their tools are being used and will help them to determine the priority for tool purchases, maintenance, and replacement. This report lists the total available and committed hours for each tool on each day of the specified time period. Review this report to check how many hours are still available for each tool per day. The committed hours per tool are determined from all the work requests that are not yet completed and have assigned tools. To see the exact work requests that are contributing to the committed hours, click on the Committed Hours cell. To see a summary of the tools required for a specified date, click on the Date cell.

Tool Types Availability -- This report is similar to the above report for tools, except that it provides data on the various types of tools, not individual tools.

Status of Tools -- Maintenance staff and craftspersons use this report to list, locate, and determine the status of their tools. This report displays all tools and their current status (In Use, Available, Broken, Missing, Reserved, In Repair, Out of Service). Craftspersons and others on the job need to manually enter statuses of Broken, Missing, In Repair, or Out of Service. If a tool's status is none of these, it is Available; however, if the tool is assigned to an work request that is to be executed today, its status is In Use.

If the tool is assigned to an active work request, the system displays the tool in bold. You can click on this tool and see in the right pane details about the work request to which the tool is assigned.

Overdue PM Schedules -- Review this report to check the scheduled PM jobs that have missed any scheduled maintenance since the last time work orders were created for them. This report displays all scheduled PM jobs for which the difference between the system date and the Date of Last PM is greater than the maintenance interval. For each schedule, this report uses the frequency interval set with the Current Frequency field of the PM Schedules table.

Location of Work Requests -- This report highlights on the floor plan the rooms that have active work requests. Contractors who are unfamiliar with your building can use the floor plan to find the location of the job at hand. If you limit the filter to only on demand work, you may see areas that have an abundance of maintenance. Perhaps there is a mechanical or plumbing problem underlying these issues.

To use this report, select a floor and the system loads the associated floor plan drawing and highlights the rooms with assigned work requests. The individual work requests are listed at the bottom of the report. Hover over a room in the floor plan drawing for a listing of the work requests assigned to this room.

Work Request for Same Equipment or Location -- This report shows all equipment or locations that have multiple active work requests. When scheduling on demand work requests, supervisors can consult this report to see equipment and locations that have multiple work requests. If any new work has come up for these items, supervisors can schedule this work at the same time as currently scheduled work so that the work team can address multiple problems at once, thereby minimizing disruption to the workforce. They can also assign these work requests to the same work order.

For example, if an equipment item is scheduled to be down for preventive maintenance next week, and a new problem has been reported with this printer, you may wish to schedule the work request for the new problem for the same time as the work request for the preventive maintenance work.

The report does not include work requests that have a status of Issued, as this work is already in progress and it is too late to assign related work requests to the these work requests' work orders or to schedule related work requests for the same time. Similarly, the report does not include work requests that have a status of Completed.

Historical Work and Trends

Note: The following reports include data from work requests that have a status of Completed or have been closed out (archived).

Equipment Failure Analysis -- -- For each piece of equipment for which work has been performed during the specified date range, this report calculates and displays the causes of breakdowns, Mean-Time-Between-Failures (MTBF) statistics, Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR) statistics, the number of failures, and downtime versus up-time statistics.

Equipment Replacement Analysis -- Use this report to check equipment that should be replaced due to age or excessive maintenance costs. The report lists equipment exceeding age of life expectancy or whose maintenance costs for the past 365 days exceed the original purchase price. For each equipment item, you can see the work requests that serviced it and contribute to this data.

Trades Performance -- This report displays each trade and the completed work requests to which the trade was assigned as a resource. For each trade, the report documents the estimated and actual work time for work requests completed during the specified date range. Review this report to check how each trade is performing relative to estimate. Are your estimates on target, or is it work taking shorter or longer than you planned? A large discrepancy between estimated and worked hours may indicate problems with your estimates or problems with work execution.

Note: You estimate work time at the trade level, but you then record actual time worked at the craftsperson level. Therefore, to generate this report, the system sums the worked hours of the craftspersons of each trade to determine the total hours worked per trade.

Craftsperson Performance -- For each craftsperson, this report displays the assigned closed work requests with estimated hours, actual work hours, and the difference between estimated and actual work hours. Use this report to see each craftsperson's performance relative to the estimated work time.

Craftsperson Time Usage by Work Type -- This report shows all closed work requests assigned to each craftsperson with details about estimated hours and hours worked. The assigned work is sorted by work type so that you can scan the data to see how much time was used for each type of work (travel time, setup time, and work time) for the specified time period. Review this report to check how craftspersons have used their time. Note that a craftsperson can record work type information when they update work requests and work orders with details about the job.

Craftsperson Time Usage by Date and Time -- This report shows all closed work requests assigned to each craftsperson, sorted by date and time the work was assigned to the craftsperson. Review this report to check how craftspersons have used their time and how their estimated hours compare to their worked hours.

Parts Usage History-- For the selected set of closed work requests, this report presents a bar chart of the parts used over time. Each bar in the chart represents the total parts assigned during a month, with each color block in the bar representing a type of part used during the month. Click on a color in the bar (a part) to see the specific work requests to which the part was assigned, when the part was assigned to the work request, and when the part was debited from the inventory.

Tool Usage History -- Knowing how often and for what types of work your tools are used can help you prioritize their maintenance and ensure that they are always available. Use this report to determine how often each tool was used during a month, the type of work it was involved with, and how its hours of use compares to its estimated hours. You can filter the list of work requests contributing to this report as you wish, but you must additionally specify the Second Grouping option, which enables the report to further classify your data. If you choose None for Second Grouping, the report lists each tool on its own. If you set a secondary option of Cause Type, Problem Type, or Repair Type, the report combines the tool with the various types, so that the report's entries might read Drill1-Leak, Drill1-Spill, Drill1-Emergency for to show that the Drill1 tool was used in work caused by a leak, a spill, and an emergency. Click on a cell in the report to access the details of the work requests contributing to the cell's data.

Note: The following reports include data from work requests that have been closed out (archived).

Archived Work Requests and Resources -- This report gives managers a detailed view of all archived work orders and work requests, along with the resources those requests used. The report contains details on all levels and provides good print-out material for reference or review.