Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Part Inventory
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Operational Reports
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Operational Reports
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance

Calculate Inventory Usage action (Parts)

The Calculate Inventory Usage action enables you to calculate quantities and costs for the parts inventory, and determine the last date each part was used. Before examining the data of parts reports, it is good practice to run this calculation so that you can be sure that the part cost and quantity data is up-to-date. You can run the calculate Inventory Usage action from the following:

Navigator Path Report or Task
Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Part Inventory

Manage Parts Inventory

View Parts by Vendor

Corrective Maintenance / Operational Reports

Preventive Maintenance / Operational Reports

Current Parts Inventory (This task shows the Parts Inventory Information report.)

Understocked Parts

Corrective Maintenance / Inventory Manager

View Parts by Vendor

View Understocked Parts

Define Parts Inventory

Preventive Maintenance / Background Data - Maintenance

Define Parts or Define Parts Inventory

Review Understocked Parts


This action makes the following calculations:

Value Description Calculation
Total Inventory Value Uses the Quantity Available and Quantity of Reserved Parts and the Unit Cost - Set by User to determine the total value of each parts inventory Total Inventory for each part = (pt.qty_on_hand + pt.qty_on_reserve) * pt.cost_unit_std (Users need to specify the standard unit cost value.)
Number of Vendors Counts the vendors for each part in the Parts Inventory table pt.qty_of_vendors = count, (pv)(Part Vendors table) values
Quantity of Understocked Parts

Determines if there are enough parts available to account for all unreserved estimates and the Minimum to Store, and if there are, sets the Quantity Understocked to 0.

Otherwise, the calculation adds up the number of parts needed for all unreserved estimates plus the Minimum to Store, and subtracts this from the current Quantity Available to come up with the Quantity Understocked.

pt.qty_to_order = if pt.qty_on_hand >= (pt.quantity_min_hand + sum (unreserved parts)), then 0. Else (pt.quantity_min_hand - (pt.qty_on_hand - sum (unreserved parts)))

where unreserved parts is calculated as the quantity estimated for part estimates that have a status of Not In Stock, or In Stock, Not Reserved (wrpt.status = 'NI' or 'NR'). See Part Status and Estimations.

where the Field Heading for the fields are pt.qty_to_order = Quantity Understocked, pt.qty_min_hand = Minimum to Store, and pt.qty_on_hand = Quantity Available

Parts Usage per Year Uses the parts assigned to closed work requests and inventory transactions of the previous 365 days to determine each part's total usage  
Parts Usage per Week Uses the parts assigned to closed work requests and inventory transactions of the previous 52 weeks to determine each part's average weekly use. pt.qty_calc_wk_use = pt.qty_calc_yr_use/52
Current Year's Parts Usage Counting from the first day of this year to today, the action totals the parts usage for each part from all closed work requests and inventory transactions  
Last Parts Usage Date Checks the last closed work request or the last inventory transaction to determine the date that each part was last used.  

Update Average Part Usage / Year action

The Update Average Part Usage / Year action is available from:

This action updates the Average Parts Usage / Year shown in these reports. The Average Parts Usage / Year field is stored in the Equipment Parts table. The Calc. Parts Usage / Year field that is calculated by the Calculate Inventory Usage action is stored in the Parts table.