Archibus SaaS / Leases / Cost Reports
Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Reports
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

Selecting VAT Cost Types and Currencies for Lease and Property Reports

When the Enhanced Global Feature Set is enable, many reports provide the flexibility to evaluate costs at either the cost transaction level or at the organization level.

These reports include the VAT button for selecting the types of VAT costs to include (Base Costs, VAT Costs, or Total Costs)

and the Currency button for specifying the currency used for the costs.

Generating the report to show Total Costs in the Budget Currency is useful when reviewing budget consumption at the organization level, or when analyzing portfolio items using benchmarks provided by the report. Generating reports to show VAT Costs or Base Costs enables you to provide these cost breakdowns to your accounting department for taxation or auditing purposes.

You can generate reports:

For example, local Portfolio Managers manage their budgets in multiple local payment currencies. These managers need to know how much of the local budget was consumed. The Cash Flow report provides this information by combining these cost transactions using the User Default Currency.

Or, at the organization level, the Portfolio Manager for the entire organization would need to evaluate how much of the organization's budget has been consumed. To do so, the Portfolio Manager generates the Cash Flow Report in the organization's Budget Currency using the Budget Exchange Rate.

This topic includes the following sections:

Reports that Include VAT Cost Type and Currency Selections

When the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set are enabled, you can generate the following reports to include Base Costs, VAT Costs, or Total Costs, and can select the currency for these costs using the VAT and Currency buttons:

Lease reports

Cost reports

Generating the Reports

By default, these reports show Total Costs in the Budget Currency. To generate this default report, click Show after setting any additional restriction in the Filter.

To generate the report for different costs,

  1. Click VAT at the top of the Filter console, and select VAT Only or Base Costs.
  2. In the pop-up, click Save.
  3. In the Filter console, click Show.

To generate the report using a different currency:

  1. Click Currency at the top of the Filter console, and select Budget Currency, User Default Currency, or Select Currency to select any currency for which conversion rate factors have been entered.
  2. In the pop-up, click Save.
  3. In the Filter console, click Show.

How VAT Cost and Currency Selection Affect the Cost Fields Used

When the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set is not enabled, these reports use the Amount - Income and Amount - Expense fields to summarize costs. When the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set are enabled, the system calculates these costs using different cost fields depending on the VAT Cost and currency selections you make.

The selections you make using the Currency button affect the following:

The following tables describes the specific fields used to calculate costs depending on the type of VAT costs you select to include in the report, and the currency you select to display the costs.

VAT Cost Selection Currency Selection Cost Fields Used
Base Costs Organization Budget Currency Amount Income - Base (Budget) / Amount Expense - Base (Budget)
User Default Currency Amount Income - Base (Payment) / Amount Expense - Base (Payment) X conversion factor from the Payment Currency to the User Default Currency using the Payment Exchange Rate.
A Selected Currency and Exchange Rate Amount Income - Base (Payment) x selected conversion factor / Amount Expense - Base (Payment) x selected conversion factor. The conversion factor uses either the Organization Budget Exchange Rate or the Payment Exchange Rate depending on your selection.
VAT Costs Organization Budget Currency Amount Income - VAT (Budget) / Amount Expense - VAT (Budget)
User Default Currency

Amount Income - VAT (Payment) X conversion factor from the Payment Currency to the User Default Currency using the Payment Exchange Rate / Amount Expense - VAT (Payment) X conversion factor from the Payment Currency to the User Default Currency using the Payment Exchange Rate.

A Selected Currency and Exchange Rate

Amount Income - VAT (Payment) x selected conversion factor / Amount Expense - VAT (Payment) x selected conversion factor. The conversion factor uses either the Organization Budget Exchange Rate or the Payment Exchange Rate depending on your selection.

Total Costs Budget Currency

Amount Income - Total (Budget) / Amount Expense - Total (Budget)

User Default Currency Amount Income - Total (Payment) / Amount Expense - Total (Payment) X conversion factor from the Payment Currency to the User Default Currency using the Payment Exchange Rate.
A Selected Currency and Exchange Rate Type

Amount Income - Total (Payment) x selected conversion factor / Amount Expense - Total (Payment) x selected conversion factor. The conversion factor uses either the Budget Exchange Rate or the Payment Exchange Rate depending on your selection.

See Also