Archibus SaaS / Leases / Lease Portfolio / Cost Wizard
Real Property / Strategic Financial Analysis / Financial Analysis / Cost Wizard
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator / Cost Wizard

Using the Cost Wizard with the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

If you are using the Enhanced Global Feature Set, the Cost Wizard enables you to enter base costs as Income or Expense that the system then uses to calculate the VAT Cost Amounts and Total Costs. Because these records document cost transactions, you enter costs using the Payment Currency.

When you enter a cost transaction using the Cost Wizard, the system gets the default VAT Country and Currency associated with the Locale entered in your User Profile, although you can select a different Payment Currency if needed when adding a new cost record.

You then select a Cost Category for the cost. Your administrator enters VAT percentages based on Cost Category and Country. By default, the system uses this information to determine the VAT Percent Value for the cost and to calculate the VAT using this percentage. However, to allow for VAT exceptions and exemptions, the Cost Wizard enables you to override the default VAT Percent. See Overriding the VAT Percent.

When you enter either Base Income (Payment) (for costs that are income) or Base Expense (Payment) (for costs that are expenses), the system gets the VAT Percent value and calculates the following:

Note: Suppose you edit a value and then switch locales. Archibus presents currency values in the User Default Currency, not the Budget Currency. When a user's locale has a currency that does not match the Budget Currency, cost amounts that are presented in the user currency cannot be edited since the displayed value is a converted value from the stored budget currency.

About Amount - Income and Amount - Expense

If the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set are not enabled, the Amount - Income and Amount - Expense document the amount you received or the amount you paid without any breakdown for any taxes that might or might not be involved in the transaction.

When the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set are enabled, the Amount - Expense and Amount - Income fields show Total Costs in the Budget Currency. Reports use the following equivalents for Amount Income and Amount Expense:

Amount - Income = Total Income Cost (Payment) X Budget Exchange Rate

Amount Expense = Total Expense (Payment) X Budget Exchange Rate

Excluding All Costs for a Lease from VAT Payments

If the Lease contract indicates that the tenant is exempt from paying any VAT tax for costs associated with the lease, you can set the VAT Excluded? flag for the lease to Yes. This means that the system sets the VAT Percent to 0.00 for all costs assigned to this lease, and you are not able to enter a VAT Amount Override or VAT Percent Override for a cost associated with this lease. This field is available only if you have enabled the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set.

You enter the VAT Excluded? field when entering lease information. See Entering Lease Information Using the Portfolio Edit Wizard, Portfolio Edit Form - Complete, and Portfolio Edit Form - Basic.

Overriding the VAT Percent

If the tax code provides exceptions for specific VAT taxes, an exception might appear in the lease agreement. You can then use this information in the lease agreement to enter an override to the default VAT percent for any recurring or scheduled cost record.

Note: If you have set the VAT Excluded? flag for a lease to Yes, you are not able to enter a VAT Amount Override or VAT Percent Override for any cost associated with the lease.

You can override the default VAT percentage entered for a cost category and country by entering either of the following for a cost record:

See Also

Cost Wizard Topics

Real Property and Lease Topics

General Topics