Archibus SaaS / Leases / Cost Reports
Real Property / Costs / Cost Administrator

CAM Cash Flow Report

Cost administrators can generate the Cash Flow report to show CAM Costs, Non-CAM costs, or CAM and Non-CAM costs. When generating this report for CAM costs only, the report shows the detailed history and cash flow for costs transactions marked as CAM, providing additional cost details when tenants request this.

Although designed specifically for landlords, this cash flow report can include costs for both leases for which you are the tenant and leases for which you are the landlord, unless your site sets up Virtual Private Archibus (VPA) roles for landlords and tenants. These roles can be used to restrict access to this report to landlords only.

The CAM Cash Flow report is generated for all cost types (Recurring, Scheduled, and Actual) with the application ensuring that no costs are duplicated. See Understanding Financial Analysis Reports.

Just as when generating the Cash Flow report for non-CAM costs, you can generate the report for a single year or for multiple years. You can use the Filter to restrict the cost categories included in the report, to include only costs associated with properties, buildings, account or leases, or with specific locations. You can generate the projections in the report for a fiscal year or a calendar year.


  1. Select CAM Cash Flow Report.

    The Filter for generating the Cash Flow report appears.

  2. In the Filter Console, select the lease and the years for which you want to generate the report, and select CAM Costs Only from the CAM charges - display list. Select any additional filters, such as a grouping for the data, and the specific cost categories to include or exclude. By default, the report includes recurring costs, but you can select whether to include Recurring Costs, Scheduled Costs, or Costs (approved).
  3. Click Show.

    The Cash Flow Report for CAM costs shows net income for CAM costs for each lease using the grouping you selected in the Filter (by month, by quarter, or by year).

  4. To export the report to Excel, click XLS.

    The cash flow report opens in Excel. From Excel, you can manipulate the data, and share the report with others.

The CAM Cash Flow Report when using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set

If you have enabled the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set, you can choose to generate the CAM  Cash Flow report to show Base Costs, Total Costs, or VAT Costs in the Budget Currency, your User Default Currency or a currency you select. You are able to do this whether you are generating the cash flow for CAM or Non-CAM costs. See Cash Flow Report when Using the Archibus Enhanced Global Feature Set.

See Also

Cash Flow Reports

Updating CAM Profiles

Define Cost Categories and Classes

Managing CAM: Overview