Archibus OnSite

Configuring OnSite: Overview

The maintenance manager controls some aspects of OnSite behavior by running the System / Mobile Apps Manager / Manage Configurations for OnSite task.

The maintenance manager sets:

Directly from OnSite, the technician can set some options for their individual device. They can set:


Maintenance Parameters

All "back-end" (non-user interface) AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork parameters apply to OnSite. Additionally, OnSite uses the following user interface parameter: AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork.MandatoryLocationFieldsOnReportProblem.

For information on the AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork parameters, see Corrective Maintenance Parameters.

Alternative Method: Edit OnSite Application Parameters

The System / Mobile Apps Manager / Manage Configurations for OnSite task presents the application parameters for controlling OnSite in a series of tabbed forms using descriptive option names.

If you are familiar with editing application parameters, you can set the parameters by running the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters task and choosing the AbOnSiteMobile application. For each parameter, check the Parameter Description field for an explanation of the effect of setting the parameter.