Archibus SaaS / System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration
System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration
Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Corrective Maintenance / Maintenance Console
Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Console

Control Behavior of Maintenance (Application Parameters)

To control the behavior of the Maintenance module, Corrective Maintenance application, OnSite, and the Maintenance app, run System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters and choose the AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork application.

Note All "back-end" (non-user interface) parameters apply to the Web Central views, OnSite, and the Maintenance mobile app. Additionally, OnSite uses the following user interface parameter: AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork.MandatoryLocationFieldsOnReportProblem. OnSite is also controlled by its own OnSite-specific parameters.

Application Parameters

The following parameters control the general behavior of maintenance products. Note that this is not a complete list of application parameters. You can see all parameters by running System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Configure Application Parameters and choosing the AbBldgOpsOnDemandWork application

Parameter Description
ShowEstimateInWrActions Hides or displays the Estimate action button in the Maintenance Console.
ShowEquipmentOnReportProblem Determines whether or not the Equipment pane is shown on the Report Problem form. Showing equipment enables the person submitting the work request to select the equipment having a problem. If you set the parameter to No (0), the Equipment panel does not show on the Create Request form. However, you can override this setting for specific users by adding them to the security group SHOW-ALL-REQUEST-FIELDS. This enables you to give different users different capabilities according to the level of responsibility you want them to have.

Control whether Problem Types are shown on the Create Request form when users submit work requests. To show Problem Types, set this parameter to Yes (1); to hide Problem Types, set it to No (0),

  • You would hide Problem Types when you want someone other than the requestor to enter the problem type. However, be aware that if you have developed SLAs that depend on Problem Types, and you are hiding Problem Types from the user, you will need to create an SLA to handle this situation. For example, you would create a baseline Service Level Agreement with an approval step that routes the request to an approving manager who then enters the appropriate Problem Type for each request.

  • As with equipment, if you want to hide Problem Types generally, but to make them visible for specific users, you can accomplish this by assigning these users to the security group SHOW-ALL-REQUEST-FIELDS.

See Security Groups for the Maintenance Console.


Determines whether or not supervisors and craftspersons are restricted from making changes to estimation and scheduling steps after these steps are completed.

  • By default, this is set to 1 so that supervisors and craftspersons do have the ability to edit estimation and scheduling after those steps are completed.
  • Set this parameter to 0 if you want estimation and scheduling data to be locked and made read-only after those steps are completed.

For more information on how this setting affects workflow, see Estimating and Scheduling Steps.


Indicates whether to enforce the craftsperson to fill out the checklists before they can complete the work request. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2

  • 0 = Craftsperson can complete the work requests without filling out the checklists.

  • 1 = Craftsperson can complete the work requests without filling out the checklist except for the last craftsperson who is required to fill out the checklists before completing the work request, Default is 1.

  • 2 = All checklists must be completed before a craftsperson completes their work.


Specify the mandatory location fields that users must complete when reporting a problem using the Report Problem view, Maintenance mobile app, or OnSite mobile app. Possible values are:

0 = user must complete one of the following

  • Building Code

  • Site Code and Latitude, Longitude

  • Site Code and Problem Location

  • Equipment Code

1= user must complete one of the following:

  • Site Code AND Building Code

  • Equipment Code

MaxScheduledJobsPerPersonPerDay Specify the maximum number of the scheduled work requests per day for a technician. When you schedule labor using the Labor Scheduler view, Archibus will consult this parameter to determine technician availability.

Managing Maintenance Console Performance

The Maintenance Console provides a single, central control panel for managing virtually all work orders and work requests in an organization. This can mean high-volume use, and some sites will have many thousands of items in the console at one time.

For this reason, Archibus includes application parameters to improve performance.

Parameter Description

Controls whether the Maintenance Console opens with its category bands expanded (slower), or collapsed (faster). For both settings (expanded or collapsed), the application shows the total count of records within each category band in parentheses next to the category band title.

Note that when you choose to group by Work Order or Craftsperson, the category bands are always contracted; if this parameter is set to expanded, the setting is ignored. This is necessary for performance reasons and applies only to these two groupings.

BldgOpsConsoleLoadDataOnOpen Controls whether or not the console immediately loads Work Requests when opened (slower), or instead waits for the Filter button to be pressed (faster, as only the requests that match the filter are displayed)
BldgOpsConsoleLoadPendingSteps Controls whether the console immediately loads Work Requests that contain pending steps to complete. You can always load Work Request with pending steps later using the "Pending Steps" control on the Filter command
BldgOpsConsoleMaxRequestsPerBand Indicates the maximum number of work requests the system will initially display per category band. If the number is less than the total number of work requests in that band, the console presents an action to view the next group. If this is set to zero, all records will be loaded.

Upgrading to V.23.1

Beginning with V.23.1, the Maintenance Console is the default way of working for new users.

Note: Prior to V.25.1, the Maintenance Console was known as the "Building Operations Console." Thus, the parameter names listed in this topic reflect this original name.

If you are upgrading from a pre-v.21.2 version, using the Maintenance Console requires an opt-in process so that you can use your data with the console.

Note: Beginning with V25.1, the topics on the legacy On Demand, Preventive Maintenance and Service Desk tasks were removed from Archibus Help. If you are using the legacy methods, you can find the legacy topics in V.24.4 Archibus User Help. Within the Preventive Maintenance, On Demand Work, and Service Desk sections of V24.4 User Help, consult the topics labeled "Legacy Method" for an alternative workflow using the legacy tasks.

Note: If you have an existing deployment and are using the automated process for upgrading to the Maintenance Console, there is no need to set the UseBldgOpsConsole and WorkRequestsOnly parameters, as the workflow rule converts them for you. If you want to manually convert your data, rather than using the workflow rule, you can use the Configure Application Parameters task to set these parameters manually as described in this topic.

Note: The only application parameter that applies to the Maintenance module is the WorkRequestsOnly parameter. The WorkRequestsOnly parameter should be set to "1" so that multiple work requests are not grouped into work orders.

Parameter Description
UseBldgOpsConsole Determines whether the application shows the Maintenance Console, or the legacy views for submitting work requests

Determines whether the console shows work orders that group work requests, or shows only work requests.

If you run the System / Archibus Administrator - Application Configuration / Use Maintenance Console task to upgrade to the Maintenance Console, you are setting the WorkRequestsOnly parameter. The workflow rule that runs from this task uses your selection to set the UseBldgOpsConsole and the WorkRequestOnly application parameters for you.

When you select 1 (Yes), the system assigns work requests to work orders in the background, and all work requests have a one-to-one relationship with work orders. The system still uses the 'AA' status, and renames the display value for that status to 'Approved.' In this case, the 'A' status is skipped because all SLAs auto-assign work requests to work orders and go directly to the 'AA' status.

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Maintenance Console: Overview

Working from the Maintenance Console or from a Mobile Device: Overview