Space / Space Planning / Space Planner / Space & Portfolio Planning Console / Stack Plan Tab
Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Advanced Portfolio Forecasting / Space & Portfolio Planning Console / Stack Plan Tab

Add New Space to a Scenario

While working with a portfolio scenario, you may want to represent buildings or floors in the stack plan that do not yet exist in inventory; that is, you want to represent space that you may rent or purchase in the future.

For example, suppose you are working with a scenario for projected growth and you know that your building has vacant floors and this space is available to lease. You can add this space to your scenario, and then allocate the space required for your projected growth using these floors.

As another example, there may not be available space in your building and you know that you will need to lease new space. In this case, you do not know the building you will be renting or any of its details, so you can enter a projected amount of space you will rent in an unnamed building.

To add new space to a scenario:

  1. On the Space & Portfolio Planning Console, select a scenario, move to the Stack Plan tab, and choose Add New: New Space button in the Allocated Buildings pane, located in the top left area of the Console.
  2. The system presents a form for defining the new space. Note that you can enter only one floor at a time.

  3. Complete the fields as follows.
Field Value
Type of Space Choose Owned or Leased, depending on whether you intend to buy or lease this space.
Building Code

If you don't know what building this space will be located in, type in a value for the building, such as NEW or PLANNED. Note that this action does not create a new building in the Buildings table of your space inventory; for the allocations that the system creates for this new space, it completes the Building Code of the Groups table with this new building.

If the space will exist in an existing building, type in the Building Code value. For example, you might want to rent additional floors within a building in which you already rent space.

You can also choose the ellipses button to access the Select Values form. This will list buildings that you've already brought into the portfolio. For example, suppose you want to add additional floors from a building that you've already brought into the portfolio. For example, your brought in floors 17 through 19 in building HQ and now want to rent space on floor 01. In this case, HQ will be a value in the Select Values list and you can choose the value there.

Floor Code

If this is a new floor that is not in inventory, you can type its value. As noted for buildings above, this action does not create a new floor in the Floors table of your space inventory; for the allocations that they system creates for this space, it completes the Floor Code of the Groups table with this new floor.

If this floor already exists in your inventory and you have brought it into your portfolio, choose it from the Select Values form. For example, you may already rent space on this floor and you have brought the floor into the portfolio. You know that additional space on this floor is available for rent. Choose the floor from the Select Values list and complete Usable Area with the additional amount that you want to rent. The system will enlarge the stack bar for this floor with the additional area.

Date Start

Enter the date that you will start using this space.

Date End

If you know the date that you will stop using this space, enter it here. Otherwise, leave this field empty.

Date Available

Enter the date that the space will be available. For example, additional space that you want to lease might not be available until the current tenant vacates at the end of their lease. Note that if you enter a date for this field that occurs after the Date Start, then the system will create an additional allocation with a type of Unavailable. The area of this Unavailable allocation is equal to the Usable Area, minus any Other Unavailable area that you enter. This allocation will start on the Date Start and end one day prior to the Date Available.

Usable Area

Enter the amount of space that you will require as usable space.

Vertical Penetration Area

If you know the amount of vertical penetration area on the floor you are adding, you can enter it here. For example, if you are leasing a new floor in a building in which you already lease space, you can complete this field with the amount of vertical penetration found in other floors of this building.

If you don't know the vertical penetration of the floor you'll be using, you can leave this field empty.

Service Area

If you know the amount of service area on the floor you are adding, you can enter it here. For example, if you are leasing a new floor in a building in which you already lease space, you can use the existing floor's service area amounts as a guide in completing this field.

If you don't know the service area of the floor you'll be using, you can leave this field empty.

Remaining Area

Use this field to represent any kind of additional space on the new floor.

Other Unavailable Area

If you have any other unaccounted for non-usable area, you can enter it in this field.

Note: If you leave the floor's unavailable areas (vertical penetration, service ares, remaining area, and other unavailable area) empty in this form and then you later determine these values, you can add them to the stack plan. See Add Unavailable Area to the Stack Plan.

  1. The system returns you to the Console, where you will see the new building or floor listed in the Allocated Buildings pane. Display this building in the stack plan. Depending on which areas you specified in the form, you will see that the stack plan's stack bar for this floor includes blocks for the usable area, vertical penetration, service area, remaining area, and other unavailable area.
  2. In the Events pane, you will see that there are new entries with the Start Date and the title "Add New Space", such as 31-07-2015-Add New Space. Click on the allocation event, and you can see the allocations that the system generated. The allocations will indicate if the new space is leased or owned, depending on how you completed Type of Space, and there will be records for each new type of space you created (usable area, vertical penetration, service area, remaining area, and other unavailable area) depending on how you completed the form. These allocations are stored as records in the Groups table.

To remove space from a scenario

Suppose you add new space and you realize that you don't want it in the scenario. You can remove a floor or building from the scenario by choosing the "x" icon for that floor or building.

See Also

Add Existing Space to a Scenario