Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Coordinator / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Scenario Planner / Develop Move Scenario

Updating Move Projects from Move Scenarios

After placing employees and teams in occupancy scenarios, you can compare various scenarios and decide which scenario best suits your needs. After you have selected the scenario to implement, you can use the Update Move Project action to update the employee group move project with the room assignments from the scenario.

You can run the Update Move Project action from either the Plan Move Scenarios or the Review Move Scenario tabs.

Note: You can update the group move project at various times during the group move process. To run Update Move Project, the group move project must have one of the following statuses: Created, Requested, or Approved.


  1. From the tasks listed at the top of this topic, select the move project that you want to update with scenario locations.
  2. Select the move scenario you want to implement.
  3. On the Plan Move Scenario tab, load the layout that has the occupancy scenario from which you wish to update the move project's "To" values with employee and team locations.
  4. On the Move Actions menu, click Update Move Project.

    The command updates the employee and team move locations in your group move project with the room assignments in the selected scenario. This fills in the Move To values for all the employees and teams in your move. The command presents a confirmation message informing you that the move project has been updated.

  5. To verify the "To" locations, go to the Move Coordinator / Examine Group Moves task, select the move project, and move to the Issue tab. Or, on the Move Console locate the move list.
    • Examine the Employee Moves and Group Moves tabs. You will see that for each employee and group, the To Building/Floor/Room fields are completed with the same values as in the selected move scenario.


With the move project updated with the correct "To" locations, the move coordinator can now forward the move project for approval (if not auto-approved) or issue the move order.

See Also

Move Scenario Planner: Overview

Plan Move Scenario tab: Overview