Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Coordinator / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Scenario Planner / Develop Move Scenario

Create Move Scenarios

After selecting a group move project that has an employee move or team move, you move to the Create Move Scenarios tab so that you can create a move scenario for the move project.

If working with the Move Coordinator / Move Console task, you select a move that has an employee move or team move and then move to the "Move Scenarios" tab.

From the Move Scenarios tab, you can:

Select a Move Scenario to Work With

The Move Scenarios tab lists all the existing move scenarios for this move project. Click on a scenario in the list to select it, and you move to the Plan Scenario tab so that you can experiment with different configurations of space and employee assignments.

Create a New Move Scenario

You create a scenario by adding identifying information for it. Once the scenario is created, you can plan the scenario by experimenting with space and employee configurations. When you move to the Move Scenario tab, the system generates an entry in the grid based on the move project.

For example, in the below image, the system generated Scenario 1 based on the MOVE-JFK-SALE01 move project; the list presents this item.

In addition to the generated scenario, you might want to have additional scenarios for alternate layouts. Use the Create Move Scenario button to create additional scenarios.

  1. From the Move Scenario tab , click the Create New Move Scenario button.

    A pop-up form for creating a scenario appears. The form is pre-filled with information from the move project. You can edit this information, and add to it by completing additional fields.

  2. In the Scenario Name field, you must enter a name to identify the scenario.
  3. Optionally, enter the following fields:
    • The system completes the Project Code with the name of the move project.

    • In the Description field, enter any further identifying information to describe the scenario.
    • In the Planner field, select the employee who is creating the scenario. By default, this is the logged-on user, but you can select a different employee from the list if needed.

    • In the Comments field, enter any additional comments.

  4. Click Save.

    The Move Scenario tab now shows this scenario in the list.

Copy a Move Scenario

When you copy a scenario, all the assignments made in that scenario are copied to the new scenario. You can then make different assignments for these employees to create an alternative scenario.

  1. From the Move Scenarios tab, select the scenario to be copied, and click the Copy Move Scenario button.

    The Copy Move Scenario form appears.

  2. In the Scenario Name field, you must enter a name for the scenario. The name must be unique among the scenarios for the selected project.
  3. Optionally, enter a description, select a planner, and add comments for the new scenario.
  4. Click Save.

    The Create Move Scenarios tab shows the new scenario in the list of scenarios for this move project. The scenario includes all the proposed room assignments for the copied scenario. You can modify these assignments to create a different scenario.

Delete Move Scenarios

To delete a move scenario:

  1. From the Move Scenarios tab, select the check box for the scenario from the list.
  2. Click Delete.

    The scenario and all its proposed assignments are removed .

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