Archibus SaaS / Space / Move Coordinator / Move Console
Space / Moves / / Move Console
Space / Moves / Move Scenario Planner / Develop Move Scenario

Select a Group Move Project for a Scenario (Move Projects tab)

The first step in developing a scenario is to select the group move project for which you are creating a scenario. From the Move Projects tab you select an employee or team group move project to base your scenario on.

Note: You can use the Move Scenarios feature only with employee group moves. You cannot use this feature with other types of moves.

To select a move project:

  1. Select one of the tasks listed at the top of this topic.

    The Move Projects tab shows all requested move projects.

  2. Select the group move for which you want to create scenarios.
    • In the Move Console, move to the Move Scenario tab.
    • With the Develop Move Scenario, task, you move to the Create Move Scenarios tab.


See Also