Archibus SaaS / Reservations
Workplace Services / Hoteling

How the Hoteling Features Search for Available Seats

When an employee searches for a seat to book using the Create Bookings task, Archibus Workplace, or the Workplace Services Portal mobile app, the system considers several factors in generating the list from which the employee can choose a seat. You may encounter questions as to why certain seats are available for bookings for certain employees, while other seats are not. Review this topic if you need to understand how the system compiles the list of available seats.

When a user enters the properties of the seat that they desire, Web Central: 

You can also set parameter to control the list of available seats. See Setting Hoteling Application Parameters.

Note:Rooms with a Room Status "Do not Use" are not bookable in the present or in the future. Rooms with a Room Status of "Requires Cleaning" cannot be booked for today, but you can book them in the future.