Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Background Data

Advanced Forecasting: Background Data

Before you can get started with the planning activities, you ill need to develop your inventory and area information, as well as other basic information. Typically, you develop this information with the Leases or Space Inventory applications and then update it as necessary using the Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Background Data process.

Develop the Inventory and CAD Plans

Advanced portfolio forecasting uses areas and lease information that you import into a portfolio scenario. For information, see Portfolio Scenarios and Areas. You can develop your area information as:

You can record areas in the database, or have the system derive the areas from CAD drawings.

From your CAD plan, you can generate enterprise graphics. For example, you may want to access a suite CAD plan from the console and use the console's mark-up features to annotate the suite plan.

Also as part of the Space Inventory or Leases applications, you will develop your organizational hierarchy, room standard definitions, employees, space inventory, CAD plans, leases, and so on.

Review and Update your Facility's Inventory

If you need to review or edit the information developed with the Leases or Space Inventory application, run the following tasks of the Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Background Data process.

Add Cost Categories

When you add recurring costs for buildings, cost category is a mandatory field. The Background Data / Define Cost Categories task enables you to add new Cost Categories and edit existing ones. See About Cost Categories

To add a new cost category:

  1. Select Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Background Data / Define Cost Categories task.
  2. In the Cost Categories selection list, click Add New.
  3. In the Cost Categories section on the right, complete the following required field:

    Cost Category -- Enter a unique value to identify the cost category, such as: BUILDING - MAINTENANCE, RENT - BASE RENT, TAX - PROPERTY TAX, TAX - SCHOOL TAX, UTILITY - ELECTRIC.

  4. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Cost Type -- Select a value from the drop-down list. The Cost Type identifies cost categories with specific types. You can search for costs by type. See Cost Type for more information.

    Cost Class -- Click the ellipsis, and select a Cost Class from the list.

  5. In the Chargeback Definitions section, select the Assigned To - Rolls Up To - Prorates To value for the cost.