Space / Space Planning / Background Data / Define Room Standards
Assets / Enterprise Assets / Define Background Data / Define Room Standards
Real Property / Advanced Forecasting / Background Data / Define Room Standards

Define Space Standards by Completing the Room Standards Table

Space standards are units for categorizing space needs and calculating a space's square footage and associated costs. Space standards are stored in the Room Standards table.

Space Standard Explanation

With this space standard, the number of employees determines the required space; that is, this standard defines the average area each per employee, regardless of an employee's position. In order to account for space in this way, you must specify the average area that an employee is allotted by completing the PEOPLE record in the Room Standards table. The predefined value is 100 square feet per person, which you can change to reflect the specific operations of your company.

When completing the Standard Area field of the PEOPLE standard, you must carefully determine the average space that each employee—regardless of position—requires, and also account for each employee's share of circulation space and non-office space. For a more complex space requirements program, you may wish to separately document the need for circulation and support space (using room standards) and therefore allot less space to the PEOPLE standard.

Defines space needs in terms of square feet. The standard defines the properties of 1 square foot. In this case, space budgets are based on average areas, as stored in the Standard Area field.
SQM Defines space needs in terms of square meters. The standard defines the properties of 1 square meter. In this case, space budgets are based on average areas, as stored in the Standard Area field.
Room Standards Defines space needs in terms of area per room standard. For example, you need four conference rooms and conference rooms are defined as being 450 square feet; you need 10 workstations, which are defined as 80 square feet each. If you have already defined the types of rooms in your facility by completing the Room Standards table, you can use these same records for your space standards, but be sure to complete the fields listed below.

Since space standards are stored in the Room Standards table, you define your space standards by updating the existing SQM, SQFT, or PEOPLE records according to the conventions of your site or being sure to complete the following fields for your existing room standards. You can update this information from these locations:

Note that for the SQM and SQFT records, the Cost fields will have very small values to reflect that these standards document 1 square foot and 1 square meter.

The space standards include several Cost fields which the application uses for estimating the cost of implementing a space forecast. For information on other fields in the Room Standards table, see Define Room Standards.

Field Purpose
Room Standard The table's key field which identifies each standard.
Standard Description Holds a description of the standard.
Standard Area The area of the room standard. For the SQM and SQFT standards, this field has a value of 1. For the PEOPLE standard, enter the average area per employee regardless of position. For room standards, enter the typical size of rooms of this type.
Cost of Furnishing For the SQM or SQFT standards, enter the cost of furnishing one square foot or meter. For the PEOPLE standard, enter the cost of furnishing one person.
Cost of Moving Enter the approximate cost to relocate I unit of the space standard including furniture and personnel. Enter small values for the SQFT and SQM standards to reflect that you are documenting the cost of moving one square foot or meter. For PEOPLE, enter the cost of moving one person.
Cost of Personnel Enter the approximate cost of employing I unit of this standard. For PEOPLE, enter the average cost of employing one person. For a room standard, such as TECH-OFFICE, enter the cost of employing the personnel that typically occupy this office.
Cost of Space Enter the approximate cost of this space. You can derive an approximate amount by multiplying the value for the room standard's Standard Area value by the room standard's cost per square foot.
Is support space? For records defining room standards, be sure to complete this field, which distinguishes rooms occupied by people from those used for storage, files, and so forth.
Standard length/width

For records defining room standards, you can enter the length and width of rooms of this type. The product of the values you enter should be the same as the value in Standard Area. For the other space standards, you can leave this field empty.

Standard Employee Headcount For records defining room standards, you can enter the number of people typically occupying rooms of this type. For the other space standards, you can leave this field empty.
