Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Labor Scheduler
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Supervisor / Labor Scheduler
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Supervisor / Labor Scheduler

Labor Scheduler: Schedule Work

After examining the work to schedule and examining craftsperson schedules and their work assignments, you are ready to schedule work.

This topic has the following sections:

Schedule a Single Work Request for a Craftsperson

You schedule a work request by dragging  it from the left side of the screen and dropping it onto a craftsperson's calendar for a specific date.

To select the task to schedule,

  1. In the Work Requests pane, position the cursor over a task's blue block.

  2. The cursor changes to the four-arrow cursor.
  3. Click and drag the work request onto an empty slot in the calendar.

When you drop the task on the calendar, the system does the following:

Assign One or Multiple Work Requests to a Craftsperson as Unscheduled Work

You may want to schedule multiple work requests at one time. For example, you could filter the work request list to show all work requests requiring the Plumber trade; you could then select multiple work plumbing work requests and assign them to the a plumber. From the Work Requests pane, you can assign one or multiple work requests at a time. When assigning work requests with this method, note:


  1. In the Work Requests panel, select one or multiple work requests.
  2. In the Work Requests panel, the Assign button displays. Click this button.
  3. In the resulting form, enter the craftsperson to whom you want to assign these requests, and enter the estimated hours. Note that the value you enter for Estimated Hours represents the estimated hours for one task.
  4. Click Assign on the form.
    • For each selected work request, the Labor Scheduler creates a new Work Request Labor Assignment (WRCF) record, with the Is Scheduled? field set to No, and the Estimated Hours field set the value you entered in the form.
    • On the single craftsperson view, the work requests appear in the Unscheduled Work panel. You can schedule them if you wish (See Scheduling Unscheduled Work later in this topic for details on how to do this.)
    • On the multiple craftsperson view, the system includes this task as unscheduled work if the task's time frame matches the time frame displayed by the calendar.
    • In the Work Requests pane, the items will remain as selected. Refilter the Work Requests pane, the item is removed from the list.

Unschedule an Assigned Work Request

When you unschedule a task, the system:

To unschedule a task:

  1. Click on the task in the calendar.
  2. On the resulting pop-up with details about the job, click the Unschedule button to delete the assignment.

You can also use a form to unschedule a task.

  1. Click on the task in the calendar.
  2. On the resulting pop-up with details about the job, click the Edit button.
  3. In the resulting form, click the Remove Assignment button located in the upper right corner of the form.

Edit a Work Request Labor Assignment

There are a few ways to edit a work request assignment to a craftsperson.

Use the form

  1. Click on the task in the calendar.
  2. On the resulting pop-up with details about the job, click the Edit button.
  3. In the resulting form, you can edit the scheduled date, start time, estimated hours, Work Type, or Craftsperson.
  4. When making changes, you may wish to display on the form additional information about the work request which might help you in making scheduling decisions. Click on the form's "Work Request Information" header to have the form present several non-editable fields pertaining to the work request.
  5. Click Save and the system saves the changes to the Work Request Labor Assignment (WRCF) record. It also updates the calendar by repositioning or resizing the task block, if necessary. For example, if you increase the Estimated Hours, the calendar redraws the task block to represent the new duration. Similarly, if you enter a different craftsperson, the system moves the block to this craftsperson's calendar.

Using the calendar

Using the graphical calendar, you can:

When you click off the block in its new position or with its new size, the Labor Scheduler updates the appropriate fields in the Work Request Labor Assignment record, and refreshes craftsperson statistics.

Schedule Unscheduled and Missed Work

When the Labor Scheduler is showing a craftsperson's daily schedule and their list of unscheduled and missed tasks, you can drag tasks from the Unscheduled Work and Missed Work panels to a craftsperson's calendar. (For information on these types of work, see Unscheduled and Missed Work and Concept: Unscheduled Work.)

Unscheduled Work

After initially assigning the work request without scheduling it, you may find that you want to now schedule it. For example, there might have been:

You can drag a work request from the Unscheduled List to the schedule, just as you drag from the Work Requests panel as described above. When you drop the block, the Labor Scheduler:

Missed Work

You can schedule a missed assignment by dragging and dropping in onto the schedule. When you drop the block, the Labor Scheduler:

Splitting a Task between Craftspersons and Days

The Labor Scheduler consults the craftsperson working hours to check the number of hours that a craftsperson is available a day and generates blocks accordingly. For example, if a craftsperson is available 8 hours a day and the work request includes an estimate of 12 hours for the specified trade to complete this job, the system will generate two blocks for this job: one for 8 hours and one for 4 hours. You can then drag the 4-hour block onto the appropriate day.

If a Work Request's Trade Estimation exceeds the time available in the day (according to the Service Level Agreement), then the Labor Scheduler splits the assignment into multiple days.

For example, suppose you have the following: 

You assign this work request to a craftsperson whose Primary Trade is PAINTER for Wednesday at 9:00. The system confirms that no other PAINTER Craftspersons are already assigned to this work request.

The Labor Scheduler creates four labor assignments:

You can choose a start time that is in the middle of the Service Window, such as 1:00 for a 9-5 service window. The same logic will apply, except the first labor assignment will only be from 1-5 for that first day.

Note:  Be aware that the system schedules only for the dates that are displayed on the calendar. For this reason, when scheduling tasks over several days, you will need to set the calendar display to 7 or 31 days. See Calendar display.

Scheduling Notes

The Labor Scheduler consults the craftsperson details and the governing SLA of the service request that generated this work request to verify that the schedule meets these conditions.

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Labor Scheduler Overview