Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Labor Scheduler
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Supervisor / Labor Scheduler
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Supervisor / Labor Scheduler

Labor Scheduler: Choose the Work to Schedule

To get started with the Labor Scheduler, you need to view and choose the work to schedule by working with the Work Requests pane, located on the left of the Labor Scheduler.

This topic describes how to work with the Labor Scheduler pane and has these sections:

Set the Filter

The Work Requests pane shows all work requests for which the user is the supervisor. The exact restriction is:

Work Requests WHERE
the wr.supervisor = the logged in user
OR work requests WHERE wr.supervisor IS NULL, AND wr.work_team_id = the work team of the logged in user (join to cf_work_team) AND the logged in user is a supervisor (cf.is_supervisor = 1)
AND WHERE wr.status IN (A, AA, I)

Use the filter to find the work that you want to schedule. Choose the More button for a list of additional fields by which to filter, as shown in the below image.

Note the Escalated and Unscheduled checkbox options.

Option Explanation

Shows work requests that are set to:

  • Escalated for Completion (wr.escalated_for_completion = 1)
  • Escalated for Response (wr.escalated_for_response = 1)


Shows work requests:

  • that have no craftsperson assignments; that is, no Work Request Labor Assignment records (wrcf) exist for a Work Request (wr) record
  • that have trade estimations (wrtr records) that are not all fulfilled by craftsperson assignments. For example, if a work request has two trade estimations, and only one is covered by a wrcf record, then the work request still contains unassigned work.

Note: For work requests that contain trade estimations (wrtr records) and one or more craftsperson assignments (wrcf records), the system compares the trade and hours of those estimations (wrtr.tr_id and wrtr.hours_est) to the hours of the craftsperson assignments (wrcfr.hours_est) and the Primary Trade of the craftsperson (cf.tr_id). If all of the trade estimations are not matched to craftsperson assignments, then the filter shows the work request.

Use the Recent button to access a drop-down list of recent restrictions that you have made. You can then choose one of these restrictions.

View Work Requests to Schedule

Work requests are grouped by Problem Type. You can click the triangle-shaped button to expand the list, as shown for INTERIOR|CLEANING Problem Type below.

View Work Request Details

When determining how to schedule work, you may need to access further details about a work request listed in the Work Requests panel. To see the details of a work request, click on its work request number (displayed in blue text). The view presents a pop-up form with non-editable fields of the work request.

Select Work Requests to Schedule

To select work requests to schedule:

The form presents the number of selected work requests, such as "2 selected" in the below image. The Assign button is now activated and you can assign the work.


Examine Craftsperson Work Assignments and Schedules

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Labor Scheduler Overview