Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Labor Scheduler
Maintenance / Corrective Maintenance / Supervisor / Labor Scheduler
Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Supervisor / Labor Scheduler

Labor Scheduler: Craftsperson Statistics

The Labor Scheduler displays the following statistics for each craftsperson:

Statistic Single Craftsperson View Multiple Craftsperson View
Remaining Hours (Hours Available)
yes yes
Scheduled Hours yes yes
Unscheduled Hours

in the format:

# of unscheduled hours (# this time period)

displayed in Unscheduled Task bar for the week
Standard Hours yes no
Percent Allocated yes no

All statistics are calculated on a per-day basis, for each day in the visible date range, and then summed together to give the total for the week/month/etc. The exception to this is the calculation of Prorated Unscheduled Hours, which can be done for each segment in the date range and then summed together, instead of calculated for each individual day (the end results will be the same, but is should be faster to perform the calculation per segment).

Statistics for the current week/month are forward-looking only, starting with the current day. The multi-craftsperson view is a weekly view. If the current week is being displayed, then the statistics will reflect the current day through the end of the visible week. For example, if the current day is Wednesday, and the user is looking at a 5-day view of the current week, then the statistics will be calculated from Wednesday to Friday. The time of day will be taken into account. Future weeks will consider prior weeks when calculating the Prorated Unscheduled Hours.

Standard Hours

This is the number of hours that the craftsperson is working for the visible date range, not including days prior to the current day. Standard Hours can be calculated for each day by getting the craftsperson's standard hours for that day of week, and then subtracting/adding any variations to that specific date from the Craftsperson Schedule Variances.

  1. Determine which craftsperson schedule is applicable during each day
  2. Calculate the available hours for that day
  3. Determine any variations to that particular date from cf_schedule_variances, and adjust the available hours for each day if necessary.

Multiple schedules can be defined for each craftsperson to account for seasonal schedules or a permanent schedule change in the future. This allows supervisors to accurately schedule work before a craftsperson's schedule change occurs. To calculate the available hours of a craftsperson for a given day, the system must first determine which schedule should apply during that day. This is based on the is_seasonal, date_start, and date_end fields of the cf_schedules_assign table.

The calculation first looks at any non-seasonal schedules (where is_seasonal = 0) to see if the visible date range falls between the Start Date and End Date of any schedule. If so, then that schedule will apply. This check is done for each day in the visible date range. A schedule with no Start/End dates takes precedence over all other schedules. If there are no non-seasonal schedules that apply, then any applicable seasonal schedules is used. Again, the system checks to see which seasonal schedule applies during the visible date range by comparing the day/month of the visible date range to the day and month values of each seasonal schedule in cf_schedule.

When the applicable craftsperson schedule is identified, calculate the normal available hours during the day in the visible date range:

cf_schedules_days.time_end minus cf_schedules_days.time_start WHERE cf_id = (craftsperson) AND day_of_week = (day) AND rate_type = "STANDARD"

Note that only the craftsperson's Standard hours are counted towards their weekly capacity, and not Overtime or Doubletime hours.

Also note that there can be multiple applicable cf_schedule records in the same craftsperson schedule for the same day of the week. For example, if a craftsperson works overnight shifts, then a schedule may have a record for Tuesday that starts at 20:00 and ends at 0:00, and another record for Tuesday that starts at 0:00 and ends at 4:00. Both of these four-hour segments will be totaled together to represent 8 available hours for Tuesday.

Schedule Variances

Schedule Variances are defined for specific dates and take precedence over a craftsperson's regular schedule if they overlap. For example, if a craftsperson normally works Monday from 8:00am-5:00pm, but they will be on vacation on Monday, December 12, then the calculation of that craftsperson's capacity for the week of the 12th excludes the hours for that Monday.

The system either adds or subtracts hours to a craftsperson's availability for a day depending on the value of cf_schedule_variances.cf_sch_dtls_type.

If cf_sch_dtls_type = STANDARD, then those hours will be added to the standard hours

All other types that overlap the standard hours from cf_schedule remove those hours from the craftspersons availability. If cf_sch_dtls_type = BUSY, then the time block was imported from Exchange and may possibly overlap with other variance time blocks, including STANDARD time blocks. Busy times take precedence over Standard times.

Scheduled Hours

The total hours scheduled for each day is calculated as the sum of wrcf.hours_est where:

Any scheduled work request assignments that are scheduled outside of Standard Hours do not contribute to the Percent Allocated or Prorated Unscheduled Hours statistics. For example, if a craftsperson is working 40 hours in a week, from 9-5, and is scheduled to a work request for 3 hours on Thursday night from 7-10, then those 3 hours will be ignored when calculating the Percent Allocated or Prorated Unscheduled Hours.

The view accounts for work request labor assignments that are scheduled partially during standard hours, such as if a craftsperson works 9-5 and is scheduled to a work request from 3-6. Only two of the three hours from that job are counted toward the statistics. Comparing scheduled work times to the craftspersons Standard Hours is a similar to comparing the Standard Hours to Scheduled Variances.

Unscheduled Hours

The amount of unscheduled hours that a craftsperson is assigned is an estimation based on the amount of available time between the current day and the Due Date of the unscheduled work. There are three possible items that can contribute to the calculation of Unscheduled Hours for any time period:

The basic calculation of Unscheduled Hours for a craftsperson is the following:

See Concept: Unscheduled Hours.

Remaining Hours

Standard Hours minus the Sum of (Hours Scheduled and Prorated Unscheduled Hours)

Percent Allocated

Percentage of time that is committed to scheduled and unscheduled work during the current time frame. Calculated as:

(Scheduled Hours plus Prorated Unscheduled Hours) / Standard Hours

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Labor Scheduler Overview