Archibus Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS

Map Archibus Sites to Organizational Units

In Archibus, a site can host multiple organizational units; for example, one site can hold business divisions such as Imagining and Printing, Customer Service, Human Resources, and so on. Furthermore, an organizational unit-- for example, Europe Operations--can span over multiple sites. The table Archibus Site Organizational Units (site_org) associates Archibus sites and organizational units.

Use the Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / Map Sites to Organizational Units (ab-def-site-org-map.axvw) task to associate sites and organizational units.

To map a site to an organizational unit:

  1. Navigate to Assets / Enterprise Assets / Extensions for BUILDER SMS / Map Sites to Organizational Units (ab-def-site-org-map.axvw).

    Select the desired organizational unit from the list in the left panel.

    Sites already mapped for that organizational unit appear below.

    In the example below, the organizational unit is GOV-B. The mapped site is ALBANY-N.

  2. Click Add New next.

    The right pane displays fields for making the mapping. The entry under Organization Code corresponds to the organizational unit selected on the left.

  3. Complete Site Code with a value from the validating Sites table.

  4. Click Save at the upper right.

    The new site code appears under Site Organizational Units Mapping on the left.

See also

Review Background Data

Review and Edit Asset Information

Define Asset Attribute Standards

View BUILDER™ SMS Classifications for Asset Inventories

Navigator Views: Extensions for BUILDER™ SMS