Archibus SaaS / Space

Space Inventory Concepts

When developing your space inventory, there are many factors to consider: to what level of detail do I want to inventory my space? do I want to track changes with workspace transactions? how do I use Archibus with BOMA standards? The following concepts will help you answer these types of questions and determine how best to use the Archibus space features.

General Concepts

Summary of Space Inventory Methods

BIM Execution Plan for Space Inventory (Revit)

Mapping IFMA and BOMA Conventions to an Archibus Space Inventory

Calculating Rentable Area According to BOMA 2017 Methods A and B

Draw Boundaries Accurately

Outsourcing Drawing and Data Development

General Procedure for Developing and Maintaining a Space Inventory

Connecting your CAD Plans and Revit Models to Archibus

Mobile App Concepts

Space Surveys and Mobile Apps

Accessing and Updating the Space Inventory Data with the Archibus Mobile Apps

Area Concepts

External Gross Area

External Wall Area

Internal Gross Area

Vertical Penetration Area

Service Area

Usable Area

Rentable Area

Group Area

Common Area

Remaining Area

Allocated Room Area

Alternative Workplace Strategies (Team Space) Concepts