Sustainability & Risk / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Review

Analyzing Carbon Footprint: Overview

The Carbon Footprint Review process provides a variety of reports that enable you to summarize, compare, chart, and export site and building emissions data by calculation year and footprint scenario. The reports include a Filter console so that you can target the data you want to analyze. For some reports, you report on a single location, while others enable you to report on multiple locations.

Summarize Emission Totals

The Carbon Footprint - Review process also includes the Summarize Emission Totals task that enables you to calculate Total Emissions for the buildings for which you have entered consumption data for a source of emissions. Running this action ensures that reports include the most current data, and that all total have been calculated from source data. See Summarize Emissions.

Operational Reports

The Carbon Footprint - Review process includes the following operational reports:

Report Description Help Topic
Footprint Summary Review totals for all emission sources by emission scope for a single building or site, calculation year, and footprint scenario. When you need to review emissions for a single site or building, such as when analyzing which sites or buildings are contributing to emission trends, this report provides direct access to that data. Footprint Summary
Deleted Buildings Footprint Summary Reviews total for all emission sources for a deleted building, calculation year, and scenario. Deleted Buildings Footprint Summary
Footprint Summary Chart Presents a chart showing the breakdown of emissions by scope (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3, and Other Emissions) with the ability to drill down to see the source category data for each scope. Use this report when you want to chart the breakdown of emissions for a single site or building, and need to analyze source category data, such as when analyzing why emissions for a building have gone up or down. You can export this data for sharing offline, or for manipulation in a spreadsheet tool Footprint Summary Chart
Footprints by Source Category Use this report to review the details for a single scope of emissions across multiple sites or buildings Footprints by Source Category
Footprints by Source Detail Use this report to get a high level summary of emissions and their sources for a single or multiple locations, years, or footprint scenarios. You can generate the report for all scopes or any subset of scopes (Scope .1, Scope 2, Scope 3, or Other Emissions), enabling you to target the specific emissions you want to report on Footprints by Source Detail

Management Reports

The Carbon Footprint - Review process includes the following management reports:

Report Description Help Topic
Footprints by Sites and Buildings Use this report when you need a high level overview for multiple sites with the ability to access emission scope data at the building level. Footprints by Sites and Buildings
Footprints Comparison Use the Footprint Comparison report to generate a chart that enables you to compare footprint scenarios for the sites, buildings, and calculation years you select. You can generate the report for any scopes, and can generate it to show total emissions, or total emissions per area to adjust the emissions by the locations size. Footprints Comparison
Footprints by Year Use this chart to chart the trends for emissions for a single location and footprint scenario. Footprints by Year
Footprints by Year Comparison Use this report to chart and compare the trends for multiple locations and footprint scenarios for the years you select. You can also select the emissions scopes you want to examine. Footprints by Year Comparison
Total Footprint by Year The Total Footprint by Year report provides a high-level comprehensive view of your emissions by summarizing and charting total emissions for all your locations, footprint scenarios, and calculation years. Total Footprint by Year
Deleted Buildings Footprint by Building Use this report when you need emissions scope data for buildings that you no longer own or manage, and that you have deleted from the Buildings table. If you entered emissions data for these buildings during the time you owned or managed them, this report provides access to that data Deleted Buildings Footprint by Building