Sustainability & Risk / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Review

Footprints by Source Category

The Footprints by Source Category report enables you to compare emission sources by a single emission scope (Scope 1 or Scope 3) for all of your sites, building, calculation years, and footprint scenarios, or for a subset of these that you select. The report presents information on the Site Emissions and Building Emissions tabs. From both tabs, you can export the data on the tab to Excel for manipulation.

The report includes the breakdown for all sources contributing to the selected scope. Use the Footprint by Source Category report to determine the buildings or sites that are contributing to scope 1 or scope 2 emissions.

Filtering the Report

Use the Filter console to select the site or building for which you want to generate the report. The Select Values lists in the Filter console include the sites, buildings, and years for which the application has calculated footprint emissions.

It is not required that you set a filter for this report. By clicking Show, you can generate the report for all your sites, calculation years, footprint scenarios.

When selecting from the Filter console be aware that certain selections you make affect the data that is available for subsequent selections. For example, when you select a Calculation Year, the Building and Site fields are restricted to show only the locations that have footprint data calculated for the selected year. This ensures that you make only selections for which data is available.

The Filter console includes the following selections:

Filter Field Description
Site or Building You must select a site or a building. The selection list enables you to select multiple sites or buildings. See Selecting Multiple Values from Select Value Lists.

Scenario Code

Calculation Year

Optionally, you can filter the report to include specific calculation years and footprint scenarios. You can select a single or multiple selections for each of these.
Emission Scope You can also restrict by Scope 1 or Scope 3 emissions. For Emission Scope, you must select either one or the other scope
Totals Per Area The Filter console includes the Totals Per Area check box that enables you to view Total Emissions divided by the gross area of the building or site. This enables you to compare emissions for different locations by adjusting for the location's size. The calculation uses the Ext. Gross Area entered for the building on the Building Footprint Details tab of the Enter Building Footprint Data task. By default, this check box is not selected, so that the application shows Total Emissions for each building or site.

Reviewing Site and Building Emissions Data

When you generate the Footprints by Source Category report, the report presents the Site Emissions tab. For each calculation year and scenario, the Site Emissions tab provides:

From the Site Emissions tab, you can drill down to review Building Emissions Data.