Archibus SaaS / Maintenance / Define Workflow / Manage Service Level Agreements
Corrective Maintenance / SLA Console / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements
Preventive Maintenance / SLA Console / Service Desk Manager / Manage Service Level Agreements

Working with SLA Templates

Templates are either workflow or service levels for an existing SLA that you have saved, so that these are available to prefill a new SLA.

Templates are available from the following forms:

You can save the workflow or service level for an SLA as a template when working from the SLA wizard. When you save these as a template, the workflow and service levels are available when creating new SLAs.

Save an SLA as a template if it is likely that you will create workflows or service levels for other SLAs that are similar to this one. If the new SLA has a different dispatch option than the template, you are able to make this change directly from the form for selecting the workflow template.

Note: When you delete an SLA that you have saved as a template, the SLA is no longer available to prefill new SLAs. However, any SLAs that you created based on the deleted SLA are not affected.

Procedure: Save workflows or service levels as templates

When creating SLAs. The procedure for creating SLAs from the SLA wizard includes the steps for saving the SLA as a template.


For existing SLAs. To save an existing workflow or service level as a template after creating it:

  1. Invoke the Manager Service Level Agreements task.
  2. From the Manage Service Level Agreements form, click Edit Details in the row for the SLA.

    The Step 1 - Requests form appears.

  3. Click Proceed to Next Step.

    The Step 2 - Workflow form appears.

  4. At the bottom of the screen, click Save As Template.

    The Save this On-Demand Workflow form appears.

  5. Enter a Name that identifies this workflow so you know when to select it to prefill new SLAs.

    The form shows the names for existing prefills, so you can distinguish this template from the existing ones.

  6. Click Save.
  7. On the Step 2 Workflow form, click Next.

    The Step 3 Service Level form appears.

  8. At the bottom of the screen, click Save As Template.

    The Save Service Template form appears.

  9. Enter a Name that identifies this service level, so you know when to select it to prefill new SLAs.

    The form shows the names for existing service level prefills, so you can distinguish this template from the existing ones.

  10. Click Save.

    The templates are now available when creating new SLAs.

  11. Click Return to SLA Console.


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