Sustainability & Risk / Hazard Abatement

Step-by-Step Overall Procedure

This topic outlines the basic procedure of working through the Hazard Abatement application to manage hazmat issues. This procedure focuses on using assessment items, rather than project activity items or service requests, to manage the hazmat issue. For workflows that contain optional steps and project activity items, see:

Step 1: Business Process Owner and CAD User Define Background Data

You optionally may choose to track your hazardous areas in CAD floor plan drawings. Floor plan drawings with hazmat information are handy for outside personnel, such as abatement workers and inspectors, to easily find the areas they must visit. Tracking hazmat on CAD floor plans also helps maximize employee safety since personnel will know exactly where problems exist. If you opt to include hazmat information in CAD, see these topics:

Step 2: Environmental Project Manager Enters Additional Background Data

Step 3: Environmental Project Manager Sets up a Hazmat Project

Step 4: Environmental Hazard Manager Creates Assessment Items for the Hazmat Project

Determine the building areas that should be assessed and inspected for the existence of a hazardous substance and generate assessment items for these areas. If hazmat is found, you can create another set of assessment items for abating the hazmat and re-inspecting the areas.

Ongoing: While working with a hazmat project, an environmental hazard manager might use these tools to record details:

Step 5: Field Assessor or Inspector Assesses Field Conditions

The field assessor or a goes on site and assess each area for which they are assigned a hazmat assessment item. They record their findings in the system.

Step 6: Environmental Hazard Manager Takes Action on Assessment Items

Once the tested samples are returned, the environmental hazard manager must determine how to address the issue.

Step 7: Abatement Worker Resolves Hazmat Issues

The abatement worker goes on site and resolves the hazmat issue.

Step 8: Environmental Hazard Manager Follows Up on Abatement Work

After the abatement workers resolve the problem, the environmental hazard manager typically does the following: 

Step 9: Managers Analyze Hazmat Projects with Operational and Management Reports