Sustainability & Risk / Hazard Abatement / Operational Reports

Operational Reports

Hazard Assessment Items Summary

This report shows a high-level summary of your assessment items; move between the tabs to see specific properties of the summary.

For details on this report, see Management Reports / Hazard Assessment Items Summary Report.

Hazard Assessment Scoreboard

Use the Scoreboard report to quickly gain an overview of the current state of your facility, and then to drill down to more detailed data. With this report, you can quickly see the most urgent tasks and the estimated costs of resolving them. You can then decide which items you will immediately address and which you need to postpone.

For more information, see Scoreboard reports.

Hazard Assessment Items by Location

For a particular location, this report is handy for viewing your hazard assessment items, samples, and lab results, both past and present, in one view. This is useful in order to inform yourself or others about the presence and status of hazardous substances in the areas to be assessed or any locations near the areas to be assessed.

For example, suppose a moving crew lifted a large shelving unit into the ceiling of a particular room causing a large quantity of crumbly, white material to fall and coat the surrounding furniture and workers with dust. It’s an older building known to have asbestos in various locations. Since you know the room number, you can quickly obtain details about the content of its ceiling tiles, when they were last tested, an so forth. If you have already surveyed the building and documented analysis the results, there will be no need to retest the material. This will eliminate the cost of sampling and testing, and eliminate the potentially greater cost of down-time while waiting for test results.

First, use the filter at the top of the view to filter the assessment items by various criteria.

Next, use the drill-down pane on the left side to access lists of sites, buildings, floors, and rooms which contain assessment items matching your filter criteria. At each level clicked, the system presents a list of assessment items assigned to this level or lower in the hierarchy, that match the filter criteria.

For example, clicking on a building will display all assessments assigned to the building, to any of the building’s floors, and to any of the building’s rooms, that match the filter criteria. Recall that assessment items can be associated with buildings, floors, or rooms; thus, you may have assessment items at each level.

After you click on a level to display the assessment items, you can click on Hazard Samples tab to view all samples for all assessment items displayed, click on Sample Lab Results tab to view all lab results for all assessment items displayed, and click on Results Summary tab to get a consolidated view of all the lab results displayed. The Results Summary view contains all the lab results for a given sample on a single row, making it very easy to spot at a glance the exact composition of each sample.

For each assessment item, you can use the Details View button to access its properties and the Samples button to see information about samples collected and sent out for testing. Click the Lab Results button to view all lab test results for an assessment item (for all its samples), or for an individual sample in the Hazard Samples tab. Click the Results Summary tab at any time to view the consolidated lab results for the filtered list of lab results in the Sample Lab Results tab.

Hazard Assessments by Location Drilldown

For information, see Management Reports/Hazard Assessments by Location Drilldown.

All Hazard Assessment Items

Like the "Hazard Assessment Items by Location" report above, this report is handy for viewing your hazard assessment items, samples, and lab results in one view. However, this report is organized by project, rather than location.

Project Activity Summary

If you have implemented activity items (service requests and action items) as part of your hazmat project, use this report to review them.

Select one or more projects, and then use the filter to control the activity items included in the report. Two filter options are particularly important:

Filter Option Description
Activity Type Controls whether the report show only action items, only service requests, or both. (Since action items and service requests are both stored in the Activity Log Items table, you can see them both listed in one report.)
Category Controls whether the report shows activity items assigned to the project as a whole, activity items for individual assessment items, or activity items assigned at both levels. For more information, see Overview of Hazmat Activity Item Management Tools.

The Summary Report tab presents total costs of your activity items. If you have recorded your cost data with action items and service requests, you will find this report's summary cost fields handy for reviewing your estimated baseline costs, estimated design costs, and actual costs

Click on any cell in the report, and you move to the Activity Items tab, which presents the details of the activity items contributing to the selected cell. Scroll right to see all of the data for an activity item. Scrolling right also enables you to access the DOC button for exporting the activity item data, organized by project, to a Word document.

Communications Log

Managing hazmat project may require a lot of communication: communication with abatement agencies, labs, inspectors, government agencies, internal personnel, and other contractors. Additionally, you may have several notes or documents that you need to track. As various personnel work on a hazmat project, they can create communication logs and associate them with action items, assessment items, and the overall project. Use this report to see all of your communication log items for one or multiple projects. You can filter the data by various fields, such as communication types (such as, show only items pertaining to budgeting) or date range. Use the DOC button if you need to list the communication logs in a Word document.

Buildings and Rooms by Project

With this report, you can graphically see on a floor plan drawing the rooms that have assessment items for a particular project.

First, in the left pane, you must select a project. Next, select the building or floor for which you want to see this project's assessment items.

If you wish the report to show only entities with a certain property -- such as only buildings whose assessment items have a Friability of Yes, or buildings are in the process of being inspected (Status is INSPECTION)-- set the appropriate options in the filter console at the top of the screen and click the Show button. Setting the filter will produce more meaningful results.

If you select a building, the system shows its details in the top pane and the assessment items for this building in the bottom pane.

If you select a floor, the system shows the floor plan drawing, highlights the rooms that have assessment items, and displays these assessment items in the bottom pane. You can click the box on the left side of any assessment items in the bottom pane to highlight the corresponding rooms in red.

Buildings and Rooms with Assessments

This report is similar to the above report except that it shows all assessment items for the selected building and floor, not just assessment items for a particular project. In the left pane, drill down through the space hierarchy to a particular building or floor.

If you select a building, the system will show its detailed information in the top pane and the assessment items for this building in the bottom pane. If you select a floor, the system shows the floor plan drawing, highlights the rooms that have assessment items, and displays these assessment items in the bottom pane. You can click the box on the left side of any assessment items in the bottom pane to highlight the corresponding rooms in red.

Note that this report shows assessment items for all projects; use this report to understand the location of all hazmat issues.

Floor Plans with Hazard Assessments

Use this report, if you would like to directly access your floor plan drawings without drilling down the hierarchy or if you would like to see multiple floor plans at once.

In the left pane, choose one or more floors. The system displays the floor plans and highlights the rooms with assessment items in the floor plan drawings. The lower pane lists the assessment items. You can click the box on the left side of any assessment items in the bottom pane to highlight the corresponding rooms in red.

Showing multiple floor plans at one time is handy for hazmat issues that might vertically penetrate the same area of a building. For example, suppose there was a leak of a vertical pipe and you later found mold in one floor's rooms near the pipe in question. You might want to view this same area on multiple floors to see if these same areas have mold assessment items. You can quickly and graphically see the potential effects of the leak.

Hazard Areas and Assessment Items

With this view, you can highlight on a floor plan drawing:

Abatement workers, inspectors, and field assessors can use this report and its drawings to find the areas that they must visit. Use the DOC button to generate a paginated report that includes the highlighted drawings and assessment item records.

Follow these steps to work through this view:

  1. Use the filter to control the assessment items for which you will highlight the drawing. For example, you may want to focus on highlighting only those rooms that contain friable material.
  2. Use the drill-down on the left to choose the floors whose drawings you want to see, and the system presents images of these CAD drawings in the frame; if you wish, you can select a building from the drill-down list and see the building's detailed information.
  3. In the Items to Highlight on Drawing tab, choose to highlight rooms with hazard assessment items, specific hazmat areas that you've depicted in the drawing, or the specific areas from which you've derived samples.
  4. Beneath the floor plan drawings, use the tabs to show rooms with assessment items, all assessment items, or samples. The Items to Highlight on Drawing panel and the tabs are independent from each other. For example, if you select to highlight rooms, you can select the Hazards tab to select assessments in the list and highlight the rooms that they are on. If you select to highlight samples and select assessments in the Hazards tab, the system will highlight all sample areas for each selected assessment. If you select to highlight hazards and then select a room in the Rooms tab, then all Hazard areas in that room will be highlighted. The following table summarizes the functionality:
    Items to Highlight on DrawingRooms TabHazards TabSamples Tab
    RoomsClick a room to highlight the roomClick an assessment to highlight the room where the assessment is located

    Click a sample to highlight the room where the sample is located

    Hazards Click a room to highlight all drawn hazard areas in the room Click an assessment to highlight the area drawn for the hazard

    Click a sample to highlight the drawn hazard area where the sample is located

    SamplesClick a room to highlight all drawn sample locations in the roomClick an assessment to highlight all drawn sample locations for the assessment Click a sample to highlight the area drawn for the sample’s location

Hazard Assessments by Building Map

With this report, you can drill down through a building map to floor plans with assessments and then review various properties of the rooms with assessment items. (In order for your buildings to appear on the map, they must have a complete address and latitude and longitude values.)

First, select one or multiple buildings in the left pane and click Show Buildings. On the map, the system indicates the building's location. Graphically seeing the locations on a map of your buildings with hazmat issues might help you spot trends. For example, do buildings located in the same city have similar hazmat issues?

Once you finish reviewing the map, on the map, click on the building for which you would like more information about its hazmat items. The system opens the "Highlight Rooms with Hazards" window. You may wish to maximize this window so that you can more easily work with it.

From the right pane, choose one or more floor plan drawings for which you wish to review hazmat items. The system displays the floor plan; beneath the drawings, it lists the assessment items for the floors. The system highlights the rooms with assessment items, according to the hazardous substance project containing assessment items for this room. The far right panel lists a key so that you know how highlight colors map to projects. You can select rooms in the bottom panel to highlight them in red.

When you have finished viewing these floor plans, choose the Clear Drawings button and the system closes them. You can then choose other floor plans to display.

Note that when you choose a floor plan drawing, the system highlights it according to the hazardous substance project containing assessment items for this room. Once you review the project highlight information, you may require more information about the rooms with assessment items. You have a few options: